Street Fighter: The Movie: Points
Game: Street Fighter: The Movie
Platform: Arcade
Name: Points

Required Settings
Options Set in the Test Menu:

Difficulty: 2

No Additional Rules
These scores were attained using the above settings.

Rank Player Score % Tokens Achieved
1. Pete Hahn 3,824,714 100.00 8 08/21/16
2. John Hruza 3,253,413 85.06 7 08/18/16
3. Tony Tanner 2,707,514 70.79 6 05/28/16
4. Doc Mack 1,433,911 37.49 3 03/03/15
5. Mases Hagopian 560,605 14.66 1 11/25/24
6. Timothy Foley 422,903 11.06 1 04/02/16
7. Jeremiah Smith 150,703 3.94 1 09/09/16
8. Sean Quigley 48,402 1.27 1 02/16/16
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