Time Pilot: Points
Game: Time Pilot
Platform: Arcade
Name: Points

Required Settings
Number of Planes: 3
Bonus Plane: 10,000 Points & Every 50,000 Points
Difficulty: 4

Dip-Switches 1:
1-8 = OFF

Dip-Switches 2:
1-2 = OFF
3 = ON/OFF [Upright/Table]
4 = OFF
5-6 = ON
7-8 = OFF

Dip Switches:

External Score: Jeff Peters - 09/25/85 - 15,000,000

Obvious Point Scabbing is not allowed (remaining on 1 level collecting Parachutes)
These scores were attained using the above settings.

Rank Player Score % Tokens Achieved
1. W. Michael Dietrich 1,148,600 100.00 27 03/04/17
2. James White 739,700 64.40 17 10/16/15
3. Jay Stacel 713,500 62.12 17 07/15/24
4. George Strain 657,100 57.21 15 10/07/11
5. Matt Rocco 546,100 47.54 13 08/14/11
6. Catherine Bozzi 504,800 43.95 12 03/11/18
7. Andrew Iwaszko 342,000 29.78 8 02/16/23
8. Stephen Alling 271,100 23.60 6 07/31/22
9. Mases Hagopian 244,000 21.24 6 01/21/19
10. Matt Walters 236,700 20.61 6 09/27/12
11. Clark Snavely 202,700 17.65 5 07/23/18
12. Brad Bach 138,500 12.06 3 12/04/23
13. Steven Lucas 138,300 12.04 3 10/02/22
14. Jose Velazquez Jr 129,100 11.24 3 07/24/23
15. T. Scott Pennington 128,100 11.15 3 12/16/16
16. Fred DeHart 123,000 10.71 3 02/10/13
17. Chris Teter 121,800 10.60 3 06/17/13
18. Brandon Travis 119,100 10.37 3 11/05/23
19. Nick Young 109,000 9.49 3 03/09/13
20. Michael D. Smith 106,400 9.26 3 06/03/24
21. Doc Mack 103,600 9.02 2 09/12/11
22. Anthony Paparo 101,100 8.80 2 07/19/11
23. Brian Kita 99,800 8.69 2 03/14/13
24. John Hruza 56,300 4.90 1 03/16/16
25. Phill Fenton 52,400 4.56 1 06/18/19
26. Sean Quigley 41,200 3.59 1 12/29/15
27. Timothy Foley 24,300 2.12 1 02/06/16
There Are Scores Listed