Tenchi wo Kurau II: Sekiheki no Tatakai: Points
Game: Tenchi wo Kurau II: Sekiheki no Tatakai
Platform: Arcade
Name: Points

Required Settings
Default Settings:

3 lives to start

Bonus life @ 100k, 300k

You may choose any character

No Additional Rules
These scores were attained using the above settings.

Rank Player Score % Tokens Achieved
1. Andrew Iwaszko 2,450,000 100.00 9 04/17/23
2. James White 1,334,500 54.47 5 04/09/23
3. Brandon Travis 789,850 32.24 3 04/24/23
4. Norbert Vale 461,100 18.82 2 03/13/23
5. Ed Palenik 452,400 18.47 2 09/14/23
6. Jose Velazquez Jr 412,800 16.85 2 04/03/23
7. Mases Hagopian 405,700 16.56 1 03/13/23
8. David Dzialek 276,800 11.30 1 03/18/23
9. Josh Pitts 256,450 10.47 1 03/13/23
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