Trog: Points
Game: Trog
Platform: Arcade
Name: Points

Required Settings
Options set in the Test Menu:

Lives: 3
Bonus Life: 500,000
Bonus Limit: 2
Difficulty: 5 Medium
Complex Eggs: Yes

Dip Switches:

No Additional Rules
These scores were attained using the above settings.

Rank Player Score % Tokens Achieved
1. Matt Burke 4,077,705 100.00 9 03/29/22
2. Charles Metz 2,937,835 72.05 6 07/13/24
3. Tim Vanderkolk 2,899,768 71.11 6 07/13/21
4. Jeff Stellman 2,689,900 65.97 6 08/06/24
5. Jon Hannibal 1,891,480 46.39 4 07/25/21
6. Ross Haiges 1,835,295 45.01 4 09/02/24
7. Mases Hagopian 1,693,461 41.53 4 08/21/24
8. Catherine Bozzi 631,480 15.49 1 08/02/24
9. Rahil Baxamusa 10,580 0.26 1 10/22/21
There Are Scores Listed