Alien 3: The Gun: Points
Game: Alien 3: The Gun
Platform: Arcade
Name: Points

Required Settings
Options Set in Test Menu:

Difficulty: Normal

No Additional Rules
These scores were attained using the above settings.

Rank Player Score % Tokens Achieved
1. Steven Lucas 6,075,000 100.00 18 06/21/21
2. Mases Hagopian 5,541,000 91.21 16 10/07/19
3. Matt Rocco 5,461,000 89.89 16 09/06/14
4. Peter Gorz 5,311,000 87.42 16 08/31/14
5. Samuel Gates 5,271,000 86.77 16 08/26/14
6. James White 5,243,000 86.30 16 08/30/14
7. Brian Kita 4,681,000 77.05 14 08/29/14
8. Jeremiah Smith 4,651,000 76.56 14 08/31/14
9. Jamie Tibbetts 4,591,000 75.57 14 09/01/14
10. Fred DeHart 4,381,000 72.12 13 08/26/14
11. Jason Latko 3,625,000 59.67 11 08/29/14
12. Chris Teter 3,621,000 59.60 11 08/26/14
13. Nick Young 3,391,600 55.83 10 08/28/14
14. Sean Quigley 3,265,000 53.74 10 08/26/14
15. George Gaynor 2,730,000 44.94 8 08/27/14
16. Matt Walters 2,555,000 42.06 8 08/26/14
17. Brandon Travis 2,457,000 40.44 7 09/27/24
18. Ben Falls 2,380,000 39.18 7 12/23/24
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