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Forums   General Discussion  New CAG forum coming soon, help wanted.
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Edit This PostRE: New CAG forum coming soon, help wanted.
on 10/19/2011 10:53:31 AM
I'd like to throw my hat in the ring if I may, and offer up another suggestion. This past March, my business partner (Ken Williams) and I decided to revamp our website and shift its focus from mostly covering newer video games to a deeper focus on old-school, arcade, collecting, etc. We've always had a passion for the vintage systems and arcade, and wanted to revamp our forums to reflect this.

We're not noobs to this by any means. Ken and I are both former employees of Electronic Gaming Monthly magazine and have been running our website, Retroids (formerly VGEvo) since 2007.

We've met David (Auric) in person and we respect his work, are supporters of his vision for Aurcade and he knows our passion as well.

We use the lastest version of vBulletin and update the site accordingly. The work is mostly done. We're already established and have a mixed community of new and old-school gamers. We have a shoutbox, forums, articles, blogs, groups, etc. We hate the typical "douchebaggery" that is associated with most forums, and have worked very hard at being a community that respects peoples' opinions but frowns on flame wars to prove one's point. What's missing is the revamp of the forums to reflect the full extent of the switch in focus. It's been a long time coming, but we think this would be the perfect time to move in that direction.

We're easy to work with and would be open to suggestions as well. If you think this is worth checking out, please visit and feel free to email me with any detailed questions at

Please note: We're still in beta with the new site and as it has already been said, the forums need a major overhaul. Thanks!


Posts: 13
RE: New CAG forum coming soon, help wanted.
on 10/19/2011 10:58:44 AM
The above post is mine. I'm not sure how it came up as "blank" for the user.

Original text:
"I'd like to throw my hat in the ring if I may, and offer up another suggestion. This past March, my business partner (Ken Williams) and I decided to revamp our website and shift its focus from mostly covering newer video games to a deeper focus on old-school, arcade, collecting, etc. We've always had a passion for the vintage systems and arcade, and wanted to revamp our forums to reflect this.

We're not noobs to this by any means. Ken and I are both former employees of Electronic Gaming Monthly magazine and have been running our website, Retroids (formerly VGEvo) since 2007.

We've met David (Auric) in person and we respect his work, are supporters of his vision for Aurcade and he knows our passion as well.

We use the lastest version of vBulletin and update the site accordingly. The work is mostly done. We're already established and have a mixed community of new and old-school gamers. We have a shoutbox, forums, articles, blogs, groups, etc. We hate the typical "douchebaggery" that is associated with most forums, and have worked very hard at being a community that respects peoples' opinions but frowns on flame wars to prove one's point. What's missing is the revamp of the forums to reflect the full extent of the switch in focus. It's been a long time coming, but we think this would be the perfect time to move in that direction.

We're easy to work with and would be open to suggestions as well. If you think this is worth checking out, please visit and feel free to email me with any detailed questions at

Please note: We're still in beta with the new site and as it has already been said, the forums need a major overhaul. Thanks!"


Posts: 22
RE: New CAG forum coming soon, help wanted.
on 10/19/2011 12:36:00 PM

I'd be down to help out. I just want to play games and hang with friends. F all the drama and bullsh!t.

how about.


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Forums   General Discussion  New CAG forum coming soon, help wanted.
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