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Edit This PostCan you name this arcade game?
on 11/20/2011 12:38:36 AM
Hello classic gamers! I have been searching for the name of this arcade coin-op game for YEARS!! This is a great question for all arcade buffs who think they know every game ever made. This one will REALLY stump you! are you ready?

this is what I remember

1. it was a VERTICAL shooter similar to the 1942 series and had 2 buttons: SHOOT and BOMB.

2. I dont know what year it was made or the developer, but i estimate around 1985 or so because it had simple graphics that werent as good as the later 80's shooters that became very popular like UN Squadron or 1943

3. I remember specifically using an F-14 TOMCAT fighter plane as the main character. I dont remember being able to choose other planes.

4. the first level takes place over the ocean and it had simple enemies like small military boats that didnt offer much of a challenge. I dont recall ever getting to level 2 or if the first level had a boss at the end

5. it didnt have any spectacular explosions or huge enemies that took more than a couple shots to destroy.

6. It WAS very similar to FLAK ATTACK/ MX 5000! but this was not it.

7. I dont remember seeing any spectacular powerups like bright laser guns or huge superbombs with a large explosion radius. BUT I think it did have the ability to drop bombs at a faster rate. the enemy boats you dropped bombs on werent very large. its no like they took up half the screen or anything.

8. I remember playing it a few times as a kid in 1987/88. it might have been made years earlier and it was just an old game. around the same time I used to play Heavy Barrell alot too.

So to recap, this was not a spectacular game but it did have decent graphics at the time. the only things i can confirm about this is that you were an F-14 tomcat plane and the first level was flying over the ocean and it was a vertical shooter game.
it is NOT any of the following games
1. Sky Shark
2. Aero Fighters
3. Twin Eagle
4. Mach 3
5.not any of the 1942 series
If you have ANY ideas of what this game might be PLEASE reply right away! I would love to know what this game is once and for all. Thanks for your help! I SWEAR I will send you money if you can tell me which game this is!!!! NO JOKE! I REALLY just NEED to know and to FINALLY put this to rest. As I said, i have been searching FOREVER! for over 20 years now!!


Posts: 664
RE: Can you name this arcade game?
on 11/20/2011 10:21:21 AM
I'm guessing it wasn't Ajax either. Since that game involves switching between an F-14 and an Apache Helicopter. But the F-14's first stage does involve flying in clouds straight down into an ocean with a giant battleship boss character.

Since the game came out in the 1980s, and it featured shoot and bomb, we can probably also rule out the SNK shooters for Neo-Geo.


Posts: 1
RE: Can you name this arcade game?
on 11/21/2011 3:56:05 PM
Ajax was a great guess but incorrect. thanks anyway! If you have any more good ideas I wanna hear them! also I doubt it was anything from Konami, SNK or Capcom or any other BIG time developer. but i could be wrong... so to everyone else out there who might wish to reply think of games similar to AJAX and FLAK ATTACK.


Posts: 23
RE: Can you name this arcade game?
on 11/22/2011 10:26:03 PM
Hi sir was it any one of these game sir. click onto the link and see.

good luck mate i hope this has helped


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