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Posts: 5
Pixels Video Games, Ames, IA
on 3/1/2012 9:08:46 PM
I found out about a relatively new (<1 year old) video game store in Ames, IA that also has arcade games in a room in the back. Their website,, lists the games :

Donkey Kong Jr.
Knights of the Round
Mario Bros.
Neo-Geo MVS
Nintendo Red Tent
Playchoice 10
Vs. Castlevania

In my one visit so far they also had a Ms. Pac-Man. I'm not sure what games were in the Neo-Geo, Red Tent and Playchoice 10. Didn't take any pictures either. I'm not much of a field reporter, I guess.

They have a high score board and were giving store credit for beating a score. I played Mario Bros. and beat the high score of 118k for $5 credit. It was on medium difficulty.

I bought a 6 switch Atari 2600 and 46 cartridges, so it was a good trip.

I'll try to get back there and see if they have any new games and take some pics.

One of the owners is pretty good at Super Mario Bros. His score is over 2.8 million.


Posts: 664
RE: Pixels Video Games, Ames, IA
on 3/1/2012 9:29:59 PM
A couple of quick questions.

The Playchoice 10 cabinet... was it the same size as the Punch Out cabinet and have dual monitors?
Ms. Pac-Man... was she moving fast or normal?

Cool! They have a high score system in place! They could definitely benefit from the Aurcade scoreboard.


Posts: 5
RE: Pixels Video Games, Ames, IA
on 3/1/2012 10:37:59 PM
I'll have to go back and look to know for sure. I'm pretty sure the Ms. Pac was slow because the high score wasn't that high (under 100k if I remember right).

The Playchoice I'm not sure if I noticed whether it was dual monitor or not. It was really cold that day so I didn't stay in the back very long... it didn't seem like it was heated very well.

I do know the Mario was a widebody that I think they rescued from conversion. The guy does a nice job of restoring the games.

I'll try to get up there soon and take some pics. Need to see if the guy who had the Mario high score beat me or not, too... :)


Posts: 5
RE: Pixels Video Games, Ames, IA
on 10/29/2012 9:12:45 PM
Nashvillan Wrote:
A couple of quick questions.

The Playchoice 10 cabinet... was it the same size as the Punch Out cabinet and have dual monitors?
Ms. Pac-Man... was she moving fast or normal?

Cool! They have a high score system in place! They could definitely benefit from the Aurcade scoreboard.

Finally made it back up to Pixels. Forgot about looking at the Ms. Pac for fast or slow. I did take a picture of the Playchoice 10 and it is shorter than the Punch Out and appeared to only have 1 monitor.

The 'red tent' also had RBI baseball on the info card but the game appeared to be some kind of space shooter.

Other new games were Gun Blade NY : Special Air Assault Force, Ghosts 'n Goblins and he has a Space Demon cocktail that kind of worked.

He had a Gauntlet, also, but it was non-working.

I didn't have a ton of time so my reporting is not very detailed, sorry!

I got a lame 85k or something on DK Jr to beat their house record and got some store credit.


Posts: 664
RE: Pixels Video Games, Ames, IA
on 10/29/2012 10:45:12 PM
GDL1 Wrote:
Nashvillan Wrote:

Finally made it back up to Pixels. Forgot about looking at the Ms. Pac for fast or slow. I did take a picture of the Playchoice 10 and it is shorter than the Punch Out and appeared to only have 1 monitor.

The 'red tent' also had RBI baseball on the info card but the game appeared to be some kind of space shooter.

Space shooter on a Nintendo Red Tent? First one that comes to mind is VS Gradius. Might not be, but that's the first game that came to my mind.

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