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Posts: 103
CT4 scoring spreadsheet
on 5/7/2012 3:41:43 PM
Hey Guys

Craig put together a nice spreadsheet to keep track of scores. I suggest we use this, or at least try and use it to keep track of scores (since David CLEARLY dropped the ball on us with realtime player updates!)

Crap MAME Tourney Spreadsheet

This will save me a lot of work and allow us to have some sort of realtime scoring.

Are we doing points % or Ranked scoring here? I really liked Ranked for the BofA,


Posts: 229
RE: CT4 scoring spreadsheet
on 5/7/2012 3:46:33 PM
Scoring is same as before.

1st place on title- 10 points
2nd place- 9 points
10th place and lower 1 point


Posts: 79
RE: CT4 scoring spreadsheet
on 5/7/2012 3:51:33 PM
I like the idea of real time knowing where I stand without having to go through a million forum posts!

I'll be working on putting up some initial scores tonight. Excited about the return of the Crap!


Posts: 27
RE: CT4 scoring spreadsheet
on 5/7/2012 5:50:50 PM
Still tweaking the spreadsheet now.

I have it to automatically calculate points as well dynamically after an edit is made :) That was a pita, mostly because of small stupid syntax errors.


Posts: 94
RE: CT4 scoring spreadsheet
on 5/8/2012 1:16:25 AM
so are the refs updating this spreadsheet based on our emails to them and their verifications? Or should we also be updating this spreadsheet ourselves?


Posts: 27
RE: CT4 scoring spreadsheet
on 5/8/2012 2:47:41 AM
I think it would be easier for the people verifying if we take it upon ourselves to update the spreadsheet? and then the refs can post verified scores as they get to them. My two cents.


Posts: 23
RE: CT4 scoring spreadsheet
on 5/8/2012 8:30:27 PM
pig newton score is 33700 start time is 23:50 finish time is 28:03


Posts: 103
RE: CT4 scoring spreadsheet
on 5/8/2012 8:53:35 PM
up2ng Wrote:
so are the refs updating this spreadsheet based on our emails to them and their verifications? Or should we also be updating this spreadsheet ourselves?

Users should update their own stuff. If we can do it like that I am all for not having to verify and input them all. I'll be happy to ref any disputes and will log all the emails and scores I get with links to the stream archives.



Posts: 27
RE: CT4 scoring spreadsheet
on 5/9/2012 1:35:16 PM
As per request, added another column where users can add a link to the stream archive that contains the score.

I still have to write code that will automatically tally up the overall ranks, which will be a bit time consuming. If everyone likes the spreadsheet idea, hopefully it can be used for future tournaments.


Posts: 27
RE: CT4 scoring spreadsheet
on 5/9/2012 1:35:58 PM
**double post**

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