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Posts: 3
Question about adding arcade locations to the website
on 6/16/2012 12:53:14 AM
Hello, my name is Jesse. First time user here; found out about you guys through Anyways, from the home page of the website, where can I go to add games and locations to this website? My home city (Springfield, OH) currently has zero listings and I'd like to add the areas in my town that have arcade games, which consist of a miniature golf course, at least a couple of laundromats, a mall, and possibly a Buffalo Wild Wings. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance :)


Posts: 671
RE: Question about adding arcade locations to the website
on 6/16/2012 1:55:44 AM
First off, welcome to Aurcade!

Several people have asked that same question so instead of explaining it over and over, I'm going to see if I can link the specific forum posting to this thread here.

While I'm working on this, you can click on SITE MAP at the top and then click on the phrase SUBMIT LOCATION. Hopefully by the time you find this, I'll have the thread ready.

EDIT: Ok, let's see if this works.

DOUBLE EDIT: I would also like to bring to your attention on the games to overlook.
Redemption games that involve light stopping, coin pushing, claw grabbing, ball bouncing, mole whacking, or coin timing... basically anything that doesn't have an arcade screen. There are redemption games that do have an arcade screen like Wheel of Fortune, Galactix, Deal or no Deal, Tippin Bloxx, Price is Right Shell Game, and some light gun shooters. You can include these.
Also if you visit a bar (like Buffalo Wild Wings) and they have Golden Tee Live, Silver Strike Live, Power Putt Live, or Target Toss Pro Live and no other arcade games, then skip it. The manufacturer has their own database of their machines which is available to the public. We would just be retreading over their work. If it is an older Golden Tee machine (one that is not Live) then it's ok to add.


Posts: 3
RE: Question about adding arcade locations to the website
on 6/16/2012 8:41:15 AM
Cool thanks for the info! And as far as that Buffalo Wild Wings I think they have one of those Galaga / Ms. Pac-Man 20th Anniversary machines at least so thats why I want to add them as well. Luckily for me it is actually right beside the store that I work at, so I'll check it out today. Thanks again :)


Posts: 3
RE: Question about adding arcade locations to the website
on 6/16/2012 8:41:16 AM
Cool thanks for the info! And as far as that Buffalo Wild Wings I think they have one of those Galaga / Ms. Pac-Man 20th Anniversary machines at least so thats why I want to add them as well. Luckily for me it is actually right beside the store that I work at, so I'll check it out today. Thanks again :)


Posts: 671
RE: Question about adding arcade locations to the website
on 6/16/2012 11:21:01 AM
In the case of the Pac-Man series titles, if you can, make sure you specify if it is turbo speed or normal speed. Some games have a separate listing because of the turbo setting.

Also, specifically on the Ms Pac/Galaga cabinets you mentioned, the original Pac-Man is hidden in there. I brought it out at a bowling alley once and it freaked the owner out. He had no idea he had Pac-Man on there and it made him remember what the bowling alley sounded like back in the early 80s. :)

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Forums  Site News  Question about adding arcade locations to the website
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