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Posts: 6
Ultracade and Neo Geo MVS game tracking.
on 8/7/2012 4:06:23 AM
Is it useful to track what games are available in an Ultracade cabinet at a specific arcade?

Also, if so, how would this be added to an arcade's page?
Would you simply add an Ultracade cabinet and list all of it's games under the details, or would you add each game separately, and under the details for each of those games, mention that it's packed into an Ultracade.

I'm thinking the latter method might be better, this way if somebody is searching for a specific game, that arcade will still show up in their search results.

I'm curious, do you folks think we should also sort Neo Geo MVS cabinets in the same manner, or are there already specific rules on this?


Posts: 664
RE: Ultracade and Neo Geo MVS game tracking.
on 8/9/2012 12:40:55 PM
Because of the constant blowing up of another thread, I didn't get a chance to see this one until now.

Since I'm the main guy responsible for maintaining the database, I'll go ahead and say that I prefer actual units on the floor. This means Neo Geo MVS, Vortek V3, Playchoice 10, Multi-Williams, Multi-pede, Namco Classics Vol 1 & 2, Tsumo, Global Arcade Classics, generic multicades, and Ultracades all are recorded on the floor as the units themselves and as many games as possible included in the description. If we include each and every multicade game on the list, it inflates the list. Now, most of those games are still included just in case any of those games are found in single unit cabinets or if somebody owns a cabinet and wants to show off that collection, that's up to them. When possible, I'd like to record just the cabinets. It keeps the counts honest.


Posts: 55
RE: Ultracade and Neo Geo MVS game tracking.
on 8/9/2012 3:42:26 PM
nashvillian, I think that makes the most aurcade taking scores (live with ref) from multicade games now?..I know tg has a very bootlegs of anykind stance..what is aurcades stance on the hard to find multicade games like saboten bombers and (anything else by jalaeco??) or the 60 in 1 pcbs and such?

sid seattle


Posts: 132
RE: Ultracade and Neo Geo MVS game tracking.
on 8/10/2012 11:32:03 AM
While certain multi-boards are permitted on Aurcade, the knock off 48-1 and 60-1's are off limits for score attempts. Those are truly emulated boards.

I drank WHAT!?! - Socrates

Posts: 80
RE: Ultracade and Neo Geo MVS game tracking.
on 8/10/2012 3:51:32 PM
I'm assuming a 138-1 is emulated? Bought one and I'm not impressed with it.


Posts: 6
RE: Ultracade and Neo Geo MVS game tracking.
on 8/11/2012 7:07:09 PM
I agree with the way it's currently formatted, in order not to inflate the list, but if I'm searching for say... Money Puzzle Exchanger, King of Fighters '99, or other games that are likely to be included in multi-cabinets, it makes it very difficult to find.

The only reason I even suggested the format change was because of the way the search engine works. I know it would be a fairly involved process to re-code how it finds things on the site, but if it was re-programmed to also search through cabinet descriptions, that would be ideal.

(also, this has quickly turned into a suggestion thread, lol >_< )


Posts: 20
RE: Ultracade and Neo Geo MVS game tracking.
on 8/11/2012 11:22:03 PM
We have a single multi here at the Underground - a 60-1 board machine. We have it to make up for certain hard to find games we still searching for (Dig Dug, Qix, Burgertime, etc,) but we wouldn't take a high score submission of that cab; it's just for fun.


Posts: 6
RE: Ultracade and Neo Geo MVS game tracking.
on 8/12/2012 1:29:38 PM
I mean, obviously the multicades would not be used for score submission, but I still think that many people who aren't looking to submit a score would want to find a specific game and wouldn't care if it's emulated or not.

Perhaps on the advanced search there could be another checkbox that denotes that something is emulated, or if something is included in a multicade.
Of course, I'm not sure how search is set up currently, so it could be a lot more work than it's worth. Just a suggestion, though. :)

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