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Forums   General Discussion  Updating a location question
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Posts: 22
Updating a location question
on 1/7/2013 7:53:21 PM
Hey guys! I joined this site 'cause I was going to add an arcade listing for the arcade I work at, but after joining noticed I did not find an add or edit button for that section. Since then the Facebook like page of this site contacted my arcade's like page asking to contact them about updating our page on your site. I tried writing back with no response on my personal account. Thought I would try getting some help on this site itself. I would be more than willing to giving you a list of all of our machines and a few other arcade locations in the area, but would not be able to give a correct games list since they use third party companies to stock their arcades and cycle.

P.S. I work for Playland Park in Flint, Michigan.


Posts: 664
RE: Updating a location question
on 1/7/2013 10:18:33 PM
Sorry for not getting back to you sooner. I've been busy.
If you click on the phrase SITE MAP, you will then see a place called "Submit Location".
From there, you input the name of the business and relevant location information.

Then you input the cabinet name, style, number of SIMULTANEOUS players, and cabinet condition. I wouldn't worry about this too much about condition details unless there is something out of the ordinary like a broken joystick or a brand new monitor. It can also be used to describe games inside multicade machines like the Neo Geo MVS, Playchoice 10, etc.

Once you submit this, all the administrators get this information sent to them and one of them (usually me!) will enter this information into the database.

You would follow this same proceedure if you are editing a location. Just be sure you mention that it is an edit and not a new location. You can either mention what's in and what's out, or you can just submit the entire edited location.

Welcome to Aurcade!

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Forums   General Discussion  Updating a location question
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