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Posts: 664
RE: 2015 Game List (ACAM)
on 6/20/2014 3:03:31 AM
Rob Ross Wrote:
Who traveled 3000 miles for the tournament?

For the past seven years or so, Robert Macauley has traveled just over 10,000 miles each way to be a part of this tournament. Last year, we had some folks from the UK that also made the trip as well, which is also over 3000 miles each way.

Rob Ross

Posts: 196
RE: 2015 Game List (ACAM)
on 6/20/2014 6:52:52 AM
I met Robert - awesome guy. He did travel a long way. Looks like he only competed in the Main Event....and did real well.

John McAllister travelled 3000 miles and didn't do the Manu Tourney either.

In fact if you scan through the results you'll see most top players only concentrated on the main event. David Nelson and a few others were in both, but most focused on one.

I think my idea would only affect a very small number of players.


Posts: 45
RE: 2015 Game List (ACAM)
on 6/20/2014 2:20:21 PM
I think Rob's heart is in the right place in trying to provide scoring opportunities for more than just the usual suspects, but I certainly don't want to take anything away from the best players in the world. I definitely think it's best for them to compete in every tournament they choose to compete in, as they are the superstars of the community and it's a joy to watch them perform.

He's right that most focused on one tourney this year. Cram, Nelson and Bryan Wagner pretty much ignored the main, while McAllister, Bedard, Steve Wagner, Dwayne and a handful of others hardly played the manu. In the previous year, Bedard outright ignored the main to win the manu.

The best suggestion I can come up with is to run a second manufacturer's-type challenge. Instead of singling out games of a particular manufacturer, I'd highlight a particular year. I'd raise the overall admission fee something like $10, with a smaller prize pool for that event. Having three tournaments would go quite a long way towards giving newer players more of an opportunity to get into the prize pool, and it would also put more titles into the mix.

I think it's worth considering, especially since we had a record number of day 1 entrants this year. It's certainly more games for ACAM and the Aurcade staff to have to wrestle with, so I'm not sure the resources are available, but perhaps if we made it just a three or four game challenge it wouldn't be too much of a burden.

Rob Ross

Posts: 196
RE: 2015 Game List (ACAM)
on 6/20/2014 6:49:21 PM
Damn Matt them be good ideas brother. They grow 'em smart in Chicago.

A side event with 4 games from um, 1983 would rock. And give the gamers the option of paying an extra $5 or $10 to be able to compete in it.....with the nudge nudge wink wink that the top players should kinda steer clear.

I would also shrink the Manufacturer's Tourney down to 4 games cuz there are only so many volunteers with iPads.......

I bet about 50 people might buy entry into this 1983 tourney, making a pool of $250 to $500.

Maybe even get rid of the GOTD and throw that $200 into the mix. You could do 1st gets $300, 2nd gets $150 and 3rd $50.

Now, playing devils advocate I could see TPTB saying....
1) We don't have enough space in that room to do more competing.
Answer: Move stuff around and make the room by getting dead games off the floor. Plus, I personally volunteer to come down a day early, with my own dolly and move games as need be to make this happen.

2) We don't have enough volunteers and iPads for scoring.
Answer: 1 volunteer should be stationed full time for the Manu Tourney, 1 volunteer for the new 1983 Tourney and 2 for the Main Event. Again, I will personally volunteer some of my time to score if it's required.

3) It would be too much work.
Answer: But it would kick serious ass.

And to add to what Matt was saying above. Yeah, it seems as if certain players did the Main Event this year and others did the Manu. There are even people out there who think this is done ON PURPOSE, so these guys stay out of each other's way. Heck, there are other wilder conspiracy theories too, but I ain't gonna speak for other people. Hopefully, they will jump in and voice their opinions.


Posts: 664
RE: 2015 Game List (ACAM)
on 6/20/2014 7:24:23 PM
They actually did this tournament last year with a donated prize up for grabs.

It was the 30th Anniversary Challenge and it featured games from... you guessed it... 1983!
There was three games in that tourney.
Star Wars by Atari (cockpit cabinet... the ONLY way to play Star Wars! heh heh)
Tapper by Bally Midway
Elevator Action by Taito

Difficulty was upped on all machines (especially Tapper!) and yet I still witnessed one person marathon the machine.

Rob Ross

Posts: 196
RE: 2015 Game List (ACAM)
on 6/20/2014 9:06:53 PM
Another year will pass, ACAM 17 will arrive, the games will be the same ole same ole.

Luckily the good drinks and service in the tavern don't change.

Rob Ross

Posts: 196
RE: 2015 Game List (ACAM)
on 6/22/2014 8:22:25 PM
I'm heading to my cottage later this week.

And while I'm chilling down by the water (Lake Huron at Indian Channel) with an adult beverage I think I will write a long list of ways ACAM could kick ass and take names with next year's tourney.

It's gonna involve Registration, Floor Space, Marketing, Scoring, Game Selection, Raffle, etc.

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