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Edward Randy The Cliffhanger
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The game takes place during the 1930s in an unspecified European country. Research on a secret weapon of mass destruction was being conducted in this country under the leadership of a fearsome army general, the Dark Ogre, but an elderly scientist decides to escape after learning that he was being manipulated by the general. The scientist gives the key piece of his research, a prism stone, to his granddaughter Charlotte as he escapes, and the general pursues the prism with the full force of his army. Charlotte takes refuge in the home of Edward Randy, a teenage boy who was preparing for his first date in half a year with his girlfriend, Jennifer, while Edward suddenly finds himself in the midst of a huge adventure involving a dangerous plan to destroy the world.

NOTE: There are two versions of the game where the stages are ordered differently - the first version starts with a boating stage, the second version starts with a biplane stage which would be the first version's stage five with the boating stage following. GGA's unit is the 2nd version.


High Scores
Jamie Tibbetts
Performed at Galloping Ghost Arcade

Points - 2 players
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Locations Where You Can Play Edward Randy The Cliffhanger
Name City State  
# Name Type Location Public? Links
1. Galloping Ghost Arcade Arcade Brookfield, IL Yes Link
There Are 1 Locations Listed