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Real Ghostbusters, The
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The game allows up to two or three players depending on the version. The objective of the game is to fight your way through each of 10 levels, capturing and storing ghosts along the way. The end of each level features one or more guardians who, when defeated, will yield a key allowing the player(s) to exit that level. The characters are armed with both guns and Proton Beams. Creatures can be shot with either weapon to transform them into ghosts. The ghosts can then be zapped with the proton beam to store them in the player's backpack. Ammunition for the gun is unlimited, while the proton beam has a limited charge which is displayed at the top of the screen. When two
proton beams are crossed, it will combine into an even more powerful proton beam.

The two player version does not have a gun, the proton beam is your only offensive weapon. The game started as Meikyu Hunter G with many gameplay differences that was modified into Ghostbusters.


High Scores
Pete Hahn
Performed at Galloping Ghost Arcade

Locations Where You Can Play Real Ghostbusters, The
Name City State  
# Name Type Location Public? Links
1. Arkadia Retrocade Arcade Fayetteville , AR Yes Link
2. Back to the 80s Arcade Arcade Columbia, IL Yes Link
3. Dorky's Bar Arcade Arcade Tacoma, WA Yes Link
4. Free Play Arlington Arcade Arlington, TX Yes Link
5. Funspot - also includes ACAM Family Center Laconia, NH Yes Link
6. Galloping Ghost Arcade Arcade Brookfield, IL Yes Link
7. Game Galaxy @ Smyrna Arcade Smyrna, TN Yes Link
8. Hersheypark Amusement Park Hershey, PA Yes Link
9. Next Level Pinball Shop & Museum Arcade Hillsboro, OR Yes Link
10. Pinball PA Arcade Aliquippa, PA Yes Link
11. Tapcade Crossroads Bar Kansas City, MO Yes Link
12. Timeline Arcade Arcade Hanover, PA Yes Link
13. Timeline Arcade @ York Arcade York, PA Yes Link
There Are 13 Locations Listed