In 1992, Midway developed an arcade scrolling beat-em-up based on the popular British comic series, Judge Dredd. The game ran on the same hardware as Mortal Kombat II, and utilised a similar digitised graphical style. The game reached a near-complete state, with some odd glitches here and there, but with 3 stages finished, and 3 bonus stages after each ‘main’ level. Each stage was different in some way, such as the first being a normal scrolling brawler-style stage, the second being closer to a platform game, and the third being a unique concept, where Dredd has to fight off waves of ‘block warriors’, making sure that the two ever-decreasing bars never reach the bottom- if one of them is emptied, the stage is over and has to be repeated. After the final level is beaten, the game ends with a preview for the next level, apparently featuring the character Judge Death from the comics.