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VS. Castlevania
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You play as Simon Belmont sent to rid Transylvania of the evil Count
Dracula. Fight your way past various zombies, bats, skeletons, and
the like while climbing stairs and jumping onto moving platforms. A
boss character awaits you at the end of each stage.


High Scores
Matt Walters
Performed at Galloping Ghost Arcade

Locations Where You Can Play VS. Castlevania
Name City State  
# Name Type Location Public? Links
1. Arcadia: America's Playable Arcade Museum Arcade McLean, IL Yes Link
2. Cidercade @ Arlington Bar Arlington, TX Yes Link
3. Dawnstar Video Games Other Richmond, VA Yes Link
4. Free Play Arlington Arcade Arlington, TX Yes Link
5. Galloping Ghost Arcade Arcade Brookfield, IL Yes Link
6. Game Galaxy @ Smyrna Arcade Smyrna, TN Yes Link
7. Game Terminal Super Arcade and Bar Bar Nashville, TN Yes Link
8. Gamers Warehouse Other Tucson, AZ Yes Link
9. Leadbelly's Links Drinks Arcade (closed) Bar Champaign, IL Yes Link
10. Next Level Pinball Shop & Museum Arcade Hillsboro, OR Yes Link
11. Starcade Arcade Roseville, MN Yes Link
12. The 1up – Colfax Bar Denver, CO Yes Link
There Are 12 Locations Listed