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Member: Sean Courtney (dauber)
Name: Sean Courtney
Title: Member
Joined: 3/23/2012 4:06:52 PM
Last Activity: 2/16/2025 11:16:13 PM
Has Stream?: Yes | Offline
World Records: 0
Total: 927
Average: 8.00

Top 5 Locations
Underground Retrocade
Galloping Ghost Arcade

Certified Scores
Personal Scores
These scores have been certified by referees.
Game Format Players Score Tokens Rank
1942 Points1125,690139
1943: The Battle Of Midway Points164,600 146
A.P.B. Points111,90519
Aliens Points129,500234
Amidar Points148,3903353
Anteater Points111,370229
Arkanoid Points1123,480 721
Arkanoid 2 - Revenge Of Doh Points1196,510510
Armor Attack Points12,100814
Assault Points120,150129
Asteroids Points124,610 150
Asteroids Deluxe Points135,790 2814
Astro Invader Points18,750 416
Badlands Points17,670413
Bagman Points118,950754
Battlezone Points17,000182
Berzerk Points [Slow Bullets]115,75027
Blasteroids Points1230,870812
Bosconian Points1196,110 447
Bubble Bobble Points1219,830139
Bubbles Points1122,670717
Bugs Bunnys Birthday Ball Points153,253,14010611
Bump n Jump Points18,716178
Burgertime Points176,950117
Buster Bros. Points1380,02029
Carnival Points113,2509105
Centipede Points1262,931109
Choplifter Points110,350135
Circus Points11,380117
Commando Points157,300240
Crash Points12,200196
Crazy Climber Points134,9501251
Crystal Castles Points - No Warps1127,341618
Defender Points120,700 151
Dig Dug Points163,240266
Doctor Who Points127,612,840182
Donkey Kong Points - Hard Roms1132,400816
Donkey Kong 3 Points1140,100328
Donkey Kong Junior Points135,500359
Elevator Action Returns Points156,100340
Eyes Points1149,530142
Fix It Felix Jr Points174,7001819
Food Fight Points [ACS]174,8002599
Frenzy Points121,969 113
Frogger Points136,0601137
Front Line Points13,700342
Galaga Points (5 Ships Only)157,920182
Gaplus/Galaga 3 Points122,000 5101
Gorf Points [6 Bases]134,080420
Granny and the Gators Points148,010315
Gyruss Points1102,000250
Hard Drivin' Points140,122628
Joust Points1103,450 139
Joust 2: Survival Of The Fittest Points120,050347
Jr. Pac-Man Points148,960 3327
Jr. Pac-Man Turbo Points11,223,150711
Jungle King Points19,100266
Kangaroo Points19,000 483
Kick / Kick Man Points113,550149
KLAX Points1384,85556
Lady Bug Points130,4701753
LeMans Points16689
Liberator Points120,370253
Lock On Points155,230415
Lost Tomb Points17,48019
Lunar Lander Points130156
Marble Madness Points118,1202198
Mario Bros. Points173,550 861
Millipede Points1201,87545
Millipede Points [ACS]192,9971931
Missile Command Points117,060 159
Monte Carlo Points12301326
Moon Cresta Points19,040937
Moon Patrol Points161,530 334
Mouse Trap Points121,4101122
Mr. Do! Points1485,80086
Mr. Do's Castle Points (no Cherry Blocks version)115,06016
Mr. Driller 2 Points1184,32552
Ms. Pac-Man Points1137,1501219
Ms. Pac-Man Turbo Points1760,0001084
Nibbler Points1152,360115
Off the Wall Points13,81515
Omega Race Points194,000 2835
Out Run Points12,751,780237
Pac-Land Points1141,610107
Pac-Man Points [ACS]1156,020320
Pac-Man Plus Points131,210 120
Pac-Mania Points1202,810215
Pengo Points136,0901564
Phoenix Points [Centuri]14,690 136
Pit, The Points16,2004104
Pole Position Points (Championship)118,950111327
Popeye Points160,770 836
Punch-Out!! Points114,780152
Q*bert Points1321,395122
Q*bert's Qubes Points - Normal Difficulty11,887,930102
Q*bert's Qubes Points - Hard Difficulty1100,110613
Qix Points140,578 2756
Raiden Points190,520328
Rally-X Points134,91084159
Rampage World Tour Points130,300118
Reactor Points125,9321443
Rescue Points116,025957
Road Blasters Points139,870339
Robotron: 2084 Points1113,050176
Robotron: 2084 Points [5 Man]138,225 478
Rygar - Legendary Warrior Points179,320118
Sarge Points115,250834
Satan's Hollow Points (3 Bases)19,005 1122
Scramble Points136,320 113
SF-Hisplitter (Space Fever) Points - Game A111,27056
SF-Hisplitter (Space Fever) Points - Game B110,17074
SF-Hisplitter (Space Fever) Points - Game C17,85045
Sinistar Points1124,110 7035
Smash TV Points1268,120260
Space Duel Points1 19,570 1620
Space Harrier Points1417,410124
Space Invaders Points13,370 953
Speed Buggy Points [Off Road]188,210677
Star Trek Strategic Operations Simulator Points172,725453
Star Wars Points152,267180
Star Wars Episode 1 Points19,707,9009139
Stargate Points120,100138
Stocker Points130,571129128
Stratovox Points121,7001832
SubRoc-3D Points124,0501331
Super BurgerTime Points165,400211
Super Cobra Points18,490 570
Super DodgeBall Points139,60037
Super Hang On Points - Beginner Course11,615,340130
Super Mario Bros. Points140,181,700265
Super Pac-Man Points - ADS1231,140717
Tapper Points [ACS]154,800244
Tazz Mania Points110,630120
Tempest Points [Extreme]190,565 2120
Tetris (Atari) Points1110,201 520
Timber Points (1 Player)1108,980653
Time Pilot Points1136,600639
Toobin Points129,619141
Total Carnage Points146,980719
Track & Field Points [ACS]135,0104494
Trog Points1252,790151
Tron Points137,613151
Turbo Points110,290 1458
Tutankham Points121,700137
Two Tigers Points168,100123
Vanguard Points149,3601066
Vindicators Points19,100317
Wacko Points119,2501576
Warlords Points (1 Player)19,000239
World Rally Points18,133212
Xevious Points Dedicated 60-1139,110617
Zaxxon Points19,850151
Zoo Keeper Points1524,650236
Gravitar Points - Game 118,25052
Blackout Points1207,890630
Ghostbusters Points - Pro1188,012,5901030
Johnny Mnemonic Points1834,984,430211
Lost World Points1121,820317
Operation: Thunder Points142,547,04056
Space Shuttle Points1604,8801966
Xenon Points1147,31016
There Are 162 Scores Listed
Recent Scores
Mases Hagopian
Mases Hagopian
Mases Hagopian
Mases Hagopian
Norbert Vale