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Member: Anthony Paparo (Countchocula535)
Name: Anthony Paparo
Title: Member
Joined: 12/18/2010 1:26:08 PM
Last Activity: 12/2/2017 9:00:04 AM
World Records: 0
Total: 293
Average: 7.00

Top 5 Locations
Galloping Ghost Arcade

Certified Scores
Personal Scores
These scores have been certified by referees.
Game Format Players Score Tokens Rank
Alcon Points1148,430428
Astro Fighter Points17,7303437
Bionic Commando Points137,860111
Black Tiger Points112,450130
Blasteroids Points166,760225
Bosconian Points (Marathon)136,530 333
Crazy Climber Points127,300962
Dragon Saber Points162,4301917
Dragon Spirit Points1130,49066
Food Fight Points [ACS]1133,4004542
Forgotten Worlds Points1297,80015
Frenzy Points14,585 142
Gain Ground Points177,29017
Godzilla (Arcade) Points1391,00063
Gorf Points [6 Bases]111,220139
Gradius II Points190,700518
Gravitar Points149,700 1814
Haunted Castle Points112,400118
Ikaruga Points11,095,950113
In The Hunt Points137,00018
Life Force Points1213,000419
Mappy Points118,400 378
Mega Force Points1250,000414
Midnight Resistance Points11,587,200183
Missile Command Points118,090 152
Ninja Gaiden Points117,500310
Outfoxies, The Points12,854,00036
Samurai Shodown Points172,90028
Satan's Hollow Points (3 Bases)147,385 149
Shadow Dancer Points1242,20079
Shinobi Points188,570418
Splatterhouse Points1716,100322
Star Castle Points - easy chip17,980417
Street Fighter Points1448,500159
Tapper Points [ACS]1111,000513
Terra Cresta Points143,100224
Time Pilot Points1101,100457
Wizard of Wor Points - 3 Worriors121,900 429
X-Men Points1110320
Xexex Points - International Version1307,600715
There Are 40 Scores Listed