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Posts: 67
on 6/19/2012 11:57:01 PM
Tournaments should be free to enter with free game play. To charge a vid or pin player to promote your business is sad especially when then prizes and gifts arent worth the price in gas. Get some sponsors and stop charging the people who promote businesses and the companies like nintendo. The american way right?


Posts: 664
RE: Tournaments
on 6/20/2012 12:18:18 AM
Oh, boy, this is gonna creyate anothah monschtah.

The arcade owner needs to find said sponsors first. If the tourney is not big enough, the sponsors will not waste their time. There is also the question of location. Is the tourney in a sprawling city, or is it way out of the way from everybody? If it is out of the way, the sponsor has to decide, "is it worth it for me to go out of my way to support this tourney?".


Posts: 103
RE: Tournaments
on 6/20/2012 12:25:31 AM
Mike. Stop starting **** here. Seriously, we are not into it and its not welcome here. Keep it positive or kick rocks dude.



Posts: 67
RE: Tournaments
on 6/20/2012 1:45:00 AM
Im starting shit? Go fuck yourself

Steve W

Posts: 157
RE: Tournaments
on 6/20/2012 7:54:21 AM
Let me know when the next free poker tournament, with no qualifying prerequisite and with cash payouts takes place at a sanctioned Atlantic City Casino and I'm there.


Posts: 103
RE: Tournaments
on 6/20/2012 10:46:26 AM
Way to use your big boy words... Now run along little Mikey.


Posts: 13
RE: Tournaments
on 7/17/2012 5:11:37 AM
Is this guy a minor or just insane? Who do u think you are if you could put up some wr someone might care but you are totally out of line! I don't even know who you are but if you want to send a pic and an address i will stop by to punch you in the face for being a moron !!!!! dwayne


Posts: 13
RE: Tournaments
on 10/14/2012 11:40:17 PM
I've played in "ranked" pinball tournaments that have given prizes and it is not economically viable for games to be on free. I did my first one last month and it is not viable to be on free play. 50 cents a game, hard settings and no replays. Makes the players better, makes it challenging and give prizes that are decent. So far so good for our monthly tournaments @ Young Loud and Snotty in Atlantic Beach FL.

It's painfully obvious by people's posts online who does and does not own a pinball or arcade machine, who has and hasn't worked on one and who and who hasn't ever operated a game or run a tournament. Having done all of these now, I have a growing understanding and respect for those that put their money, time and energy where their mouths are. I currently have 5 pinball machines on route (goal is 10 by year end) and I take pride being a great collector operator in my area.

I frankly don't take things people say or do personal, but I look forward to manifesting more cool people in the pinball community and learning from people that actually own and work on games instead of day dream online.

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