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Posts: 103
And the winner is....
on 5/16/2011 11:05:43 AM
After a week of seriously crappy gameplay we have a WINNER. Our very own Zerst has taken back the title of best crap gamer on the planet! Way to go Zerst! We had an apparent tie for 3rd place, and I don’t like ties so I came up with some crappy criteria to decide how to split it up. The player who had the highest lowest placement on any game wins the tie. Great Job Bill Holmes, you did your name proud and showed just how much 'junk' it takes to rise to the top of the upper middle of the 'Crap Game Tournament 3'

Great Job everyone. Many thanks to Bill for getting this organized.

Here are the final 'Official' results.

Rank / Player / Points / %
1. Justin Zerst 1,623,315 124.00%
2. Dean Saglio 1,502,161 105.00%
3. Bill Holmes 1,058,831 82.02% (Highest low 6th)
4. George Leutz 1,086,785 82.01% (Highest low 8th)
5. Christopher Grillo 1,153,225 82.00% (Highest low 9th)
6. A. Peter Mee 678,497 61.00%
7. Dick Moreland 727,744 38.00%
8. Robert Mruczek 535,688 36.00%
9. John Bartkiw 596,980 35.00%
10. Ross Benziger 663,730 33.00%
11. Mark Kiehl 781,524 33.00%
12. Sebastien Thibault 677,467 25.00%
13. Ken House 347,550 0.00%


Posts: 79
RE: And the winner is....
on 5/16/2011 11:29:33 AM
Great tournament everyone. I had a blast playing these games and watching everyone online. I can't wait until the Mame Streaming League starts.

marky d

Posts: 60
RE: And the winner is....
on 5/16/2011 11:56:36 AM
"MAME streaming League" Wait, what??!


Posts: 79
RE: And the winner is....
on 5/16/2011 1:29:03 PM
marky d Wrote:
"MAME streaming League" Wait, what??!

I've found sometimes the easiest way to get something you want is to plant the seed in everyone's head. :)

But wouldn't it be cool to have regular streaming events? Maybe even head to head events? Individual or teams? If people want CAG gaming to be a sport then this is the way. I know Richie has some plans getting arcade vs arcade contests set up but you could also do it with MAME which opens all kinds of options for people who can't find machines/travel.


Posts: 38
RE: And the winner is....
on 5/16/2011 1:30:36 PM
man i worked so hard to well good job to you guys.


Posts: 229
RE: And the winner is....
on 5/16/2011 2:00:10 PM
johnbart Wrote:
marky d Wrote:
"MAME streaming League" Wait, what??!

I've found sometimes the easiest way to get something you want is to plant the seed in everyone's head. :)

But wouldn't it be cool to have regular streaming events? Maybe even head to head events? Individual or teams? If people want CAG gaming to be a sport then this is the way. I know Richie has some plans getting arcade vs arcade contests set up but you could also do it with MAME which opens all kinds of options for people who can't find machines/travel.

I second that!. I know we had talked about this back when everyone started streaming this stuff, and had impromptu head to head matches, but a semi-regular thing would be cool.

As simple to schedule as a bowling league.

Quick example:
We form 2 teams, with a captain picking players. The 2 teams compete against each other on Saturday nights in (blank) # of titles. Rules on rotation of players on any given week to make sure everybody plays on a somwhat regular basis, not just stacking your top players every week. Blah, blah..... you get the general idea.

I'd be down for this in a heartbeat, even if it's JB and I going head to head once a week until other people start joining in! Hopefully JB's draft-stock won't go down due to the repeated beatings I would be giving him.

I'll be posting more on the Crap Tourney itself later today.

marky d

Posts: 60
RE: And the winner is....
on 5/16/2011 2:08:50 PM
Hey, now that I have my streaming down well, I'm down for some head to head, or an impromptu mini-contest almost nightly...only problem is that I am up late after working swing shift. So if anyone is interested just let me know!


Posts: 132
RE: And the winner is....
on 5/16/2011 2:19:58 PM
johnbart Wrote:
I know Richie has some plans getting arcade vs arcade contests set up but you could also do it with MAME which opens all kinds of options for people who can't find machines/travel.

Richie isn't the one handling that, as it's actually all being done through Aurcade. Ken and I came up with the idea for a KenCade vs. ACAM event over a year ago that ended up including Richie's arcade as well. The original event ended up being postponed, but it will happen. Speaking of which...

I just got back from a weekend at Galloping Ghost Arcade in Chicago, and man is it a great place to be. They'll (GGA) be involved with ACAM, the KenCade and Richie once we ramp up.

It will be awesome.

I drank WHAT!?! - Socrates

Posts: 132
RE: And the winner is....
on 5/16/2011 2:21:23 PM
Side Topic related to the event:

Did everyone like the setup? And where there any issues? Suggestions are welcome.

I drank WHAT!?! - Socrates

Posts: 229
RE: And the winner is....
on 5/16/2011 2:34:58 PM
WOW!!! That was fun!

Congrats to Zerst for regaining his Crap Crown! Justin put up incredible scores, almost all on the same night, showing again his ability to quickly learn and dominate almost any title. Congrats to Dean for a VERY strong 2nd place finish! He put in the time and effort and really earned every point gained. I won't congratulate myself for 3rd, everyone below me can do that for me.

Ken House: Ken verified every score that wasn't his own this entire week. He watched highlighted games, dug through archives trying to find performances, and verified Robert's INPs. He kept a very fairly updated scoreboard and made executive everything run very smoothly. He's already got some great ideas in mind to make future events even better.

David Hernly: David hooked us up with the sweet viewing room that came in very handy when many gamers were streaming at once. He also opened up his scoreboard for the first submitted MAME scores. He's also got some great ideas and plans popping up in the near future.

Robert Mruczek: Robert again was a huge help in putting together the final list. He has been an integral part of the Crap Tournament in the past and hooked us up again. He also had a very respectable showing in this tournament given his time limitations. Thanks again for the interview, giving us your insight on the titles we were about to torture ourselves with!

The Players:
Most thanks go to everyone who played this past week!!!!! You guys are the reason this thing works and gets better each year. Seeing 6 and 7 people streaming the same pool of games at the same time was great. Players representing 3 countries and many time-zones ensured that at almost any time of day during the week, someone was playing. A lot of you put in a LOT of hours and it showed. I think that having an entire week worked out perfectly, allowing almost everyone to find enough time to get decent scores in.

It was also cool to have people join in mid-tourney. One really cool thing that happened was Chris joining in. I believe that he was just checking out random Gaming channels on Jtv and ran into one of us. He saw there was a tournament going on and asked to join in, which of course anyone is welcome. With only 3-4 days to play he tied George and I for 3rd place. He had a score on Safari after tournament hours that would have garnered him 3rd place alone, but he ran out of time. Regardless, I was very impressed with his scores and his Pirate Ship abilities.

Everyone was extra helpful and shared tips they had learned with everyone. It's always my favorite MAME based, live streamed, gaming event every year.

As winner of the tournament Justin wins the Crystal Castles DVD. Mark will contact you to make shipping arrangements.

I will post a title by title review in the near future, hopefully Ross gives us his famous wrap-up too.


A lot of people asked me this week if this was the final Crap Game Tournament.
A lot of people are left wondering..............


Posts: 38
RE: And the winner is....
on 5/16/2011 2:41:03 PM
i am up for more games just come to my stream and ask ill join in


Posts: 115
RE: And the winner is....
on 5/16/2011 3:20:38 PM
"...hopefully Ross gives us his famous wrap-up too."

Ha, well, I will give it a shot later this week. This week at school is going to be just plain nasty, so I'll probably get all sorts of hammered when it's over and post some drunken nonsense about each of the titles.

"It was also cool to have people join in mid-tourney. One really cool thing that happened was Chris joining in. I believe that he was just checking out random Gaming channels on Jtv and ran into one of us. He saw there was a tournament going on and asked to join in, which of course anyone is welcome. With only 3-4 days to play he tied George and I for 3rd place. He had a score on Safari after tournament hours that would have garnered him 3rd place alone, but he ran out of time. Regardless, I was very impressed with his scores and his Pirate Ship abilities."

I agree, there were multiple players who joined the fray mid way through and it really added to the fun factor. A special thanks to those players: Chris, Sebastien, Dick, George.

Let's do something similar real soon!!


Posts: 229
RE: And the winner is....
on 5/16/2011 4:37:41 PM
Auric Wrote:
Side Topic related to the event:

Did everyone like the setup? And where there any issues? Suggestions are welcome.

The setup was great with no issues that I can think of.

Ken had mentioned, maybe already to you, that maybe a "ghost" scoreboard that players can edit to keep more real-time track of standings while waiting for official verification of those scores on the "real" scoreboard. Saves looking through each thread, and post edits, to find what the current non-verified scores are.

Steve W

Posts: 157
RE: And the winner is....
on 5/16/2011 6:28:30 PM
Auric Wrote:
Richie isn't the one handling that, as it's actually all being done through Aurcade. Ken and I came up with the idea for a KenCade vs. ACAM event over a year ago that ended up including Richie's arcade as well. The original event ended up being postponed, but it will happen

As per usual I have been apologies. I would like to assist in any way possible if you need a hand.



Posts: 132
RE: And the winner is....
on 5/16/2011 9:08:51 PM
Steve W Wrote:
As per usual I have been apologies. I would like to assist in any way possible if you need a hand.


No worries dude. I just wanted to set the record straight. Richie get's a little over enthusiastic from time to time. No harm done :)

The Knucklez Brigade will be jamming with the rest of us for sure. I think once we get past ACAM's event, we'll figure out the time to do it.

I drank WHAT!?! - Socrates
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