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Posts: 103
New CAG forum coming soon, help wanted.
on 10/16/2011 11:26:39 AM
As many of you know, I have decided not to participate in the forums for about a year now. When I left I had plans of a new site but it never really got off the ground.

Now that Steve Wagner has decided to leave CAGDC as well I have some new motivation. First things first... We are going to need a domain name. in my head the front runners are.. paralleled with

I'd love to hear some ideas and to make it a little more enticing to help out I'll put $50 in your paypal account if you come up with a name I like more than

Next we need to decide what software to use. There a a billion out there with the obvious front runners being phpbb and vBulletin. CAGDC uses simple machine forum and it works ok too. Whatever we use we will have to modify it to add features like the front page stream notification feature which many of us use right now. I also want your thoughts on built in chat on the site. I have mixed feelings myself, i think there is enough ways to chat already but it would be kinda cool to add it and see.

If you have ideas, this is the place.


Posts: 13
RE: New CAG forum coming soon, help wanted.
on 10/16/2011 3:35:08 PM
Ken how about Arcade: Token Thoughts or Video game: token thoughts or just token thoughts

Any comments on my robotron- a-thon idea send a note to my email when you or John have time.


Steve W

Posts: 157
RE: New CAG forum coming soon, help wanted.
on 10/16/2011 8:28:07 PM
I'll give it some thought, moreso than my last domain name suggestion :)

Steve W

Posts: 157
RE: New CAG forum coming soon, help wanted.
on 10/17/2011 7:52:23 AM ??

Not sure if anyone owns this


Posts: 79
RE: New CAG forum coming soon, help wanted.
on 10/17/2011 11:16:04 AM
What is the latest cause for people leaving? I got tired of the place about 6 months ago and stopped going. If you're going to start a new forum you should figure out all the reasons why people have left CAGDC and see if there's a way to keep them from happening again. I'd hate to have a new great place for people to chat and have it all go to shit like CAGDC. We all ran to CAGDC because TG went to crap.


Posts: 103
RE: New CAG forum coming soon, help wanted.
on 10/17/2011 1:03:54 PM
Aside from my personal issues with Mark there are some technology issue we can do MUCH better than CAGDC. I adding streaming notifications is one, much like is done on the front page here at aurcade. I'd like to have a mod free zone where you can say whatever the hell you want. I'd like to have more gaming content. I'd like to try and foster more competition.. east v west, streaming league, dk challenges, crap tourneys... all this stuff organized in one place. I'd liek to reach out to all the people who basically never post anything anymore (dbh, johnbart, greg bond, steve, ross.... you know the guys) and see if we can get something going. Mark is not the only cause of CAGDC's failure and I know that so lets as a community fix what we can and move forward.

I'm open to any suggestion, the site is in the very beginning stages so we have an opportunity to do it however we want.



Posts: 79
RE: New CAG forum coming soon, help wanted.
on 10/17/2011 6:13:27 PM
I'm in for a new place that focuses on the fun parts of the games and friendly competition. Let me know what I can do to help.

marky d

Posts: 60
RE: New CAG forum coming soon, help wanted.
on 10/17/2011 7:22:44 PM
"I'd like to try and foster more competition.. east v west, streaming league, dk challenges, crap tourneys... "


Steve W

Posts: 157
RE: New CAG forum coming soon, help wanted.
on 10/18/2011 7:18:11 AM
I like the games....the games that go boom.

I'm not understanding why we can't just play anymore and everything is about trying to make this and that popular. I don't listen to Top 40, my wife does, doesn't mean I'm going to spam her FB account and that of her friends with links to the latest Robert Pollard album.

I would like to move on, accept our niche hobby and get back to actually talking about games and having fun again with my friends.


Posts: 103
RE: New CAG forum coming soon, help wanted.
on 10/18/2011 9:03:17 PM
Ok kids, ideas ideas, you dont want me just to run with it!


Posts: 664
RE: New CAG forum coming soon, help wanted.
on 10/18/2011 9:23:24 PM
Joystick Central?
Tokens & Joysticks?


Posts: 103
RE: New CAG forum coming soon, help wanted.
on 10/18/2011 9:28:14 PM
I kinda like


Posts: 31
RE: New CAG forum coming soon, help wanted.
on 10/18/2011 9:33:44 PM
Scoundrl Wrote: Now that Steve Wagner has decided to leave CAGDC as well I have some new motivation. First things first... We are going to need a domain name. in my head the front runners are.. paralleled with

You might wanna check to see if MDA filed a trademark on "classicarcadegaming" before you adopt a URL that includes that phrase. We don't need that potential headache.

How about

Scoundrl Wrote: Next we need to decide what software to use. There a a billion out there with the obvious front runners being phpbb and vBulletin. CAGDC uses simple machine forum and it works ok too. Whatever we use we will have to modify it to add features like the front page stream notification feature which many of us use right now. I also want your thoughts on built in chat on the site. I have mixed feelings myself, i think there is enough ways to chat already but it would be kinda cool to add it and see.

I do like the Simple Machine forum software. Its UI is friendly and pretty flexible and it looks the best out of any forum I've been active on, IMO. As a former CAGDC mod I liked the back end admin options also. Not sure how you can integrate it with your wishlist of features though, unless you make a main web site with the forums being a sub section under that. That may be the better way to go anyway.

Steve W Wrote: I would like to move on, accept our niche hobby and get back to actually talking about games and having fun again with my friends.

Hell yeah! I'm there. I'm sick of the CAGDC fighting and bitching and posturing as well. I miss the camaraderie.

I busted my personal best on Robotron last night. Went from 2,024,700 to 2,645,325. Finished on wave 97. (Crap... I wanted to roll the wave counter!)


Posts: 229
RE: New CAG forum coming soon, help wanted.
on 10/18/2011 9:40:06 PM


Posts: 55
RE: New CAG forum coming soon, help wanted.
on 10/18/2011 10:35:08 PM
retrocade.con or


Posts: 103
RE: New CAG forum coming soon, help wanted.
on 10/18/2011 10:51:19 PM
I like too...


Posts: 103
RE: New CAG forum coming soon, help wanted.
on 10/18/2011 10:59:02 PM
Chris brings up a good point. Should we try and have something like here with a front page for stuff then a backend forum? I like both but it does seem like forums as forums works better as its hard to get people to update front page stuff.

If we are ging to go with the frontpage and backend forums I think we might be better off waking David up and getting these forums off the ground. I know this forums inteface is pretty simplistic but it does generally work and I'm sure David would add whatever features we come up with. Honestly I could go either way, the two biggest issues with are the name and forum interface. The front page is pretty clean and we all use the stream notification stuff already.

Thoughts on this?

Steve W

Posts: 157
RE: New CAG forum coming soon, help wanted.
on 10/19/2011 8:42:36 AM
I chose to include the word revival as I would like to see whatever we do reflect the old communal feeling of an arcade, online. I would like to be able to log in and see Vincent, Dean, Hank, Ross et al talking about DK, Ken speaking to Dig Dug, stuff like Bill's crap tourney, fun streaming challenges and maybe something like they do on KLOV where there is a random "game of the day" on the front page and whoever is sort of the afficianado within the community on said game, speak to it a little bit to keep content fresh and to encourage others to try the game maybe they wouldn't otherwise.

For example, I've met Laszlo Takacs a few times now and he loves playing Tempest for folks and explaining strategy, etc, but he is a very quiet guy, who simply loves the heck out of that game, we should be trying to encourage folks like Laszlo as the type of members we would really like to see in an active community that is about games and having fun again.

The functionality isn't as important to me (although I'd like it to mostly be clean looking and functional in some capacity) as the message of "these games are fun, we're here to have fun, we actually like each other and share a common interest, there's madness somewhere else...."


Posts: 132
RE: New CAG forum coming soon, help wanted.
on 10/19/2011 9:38:55 AM
I'd be happy to add any features we need. I'm not shy about the fact that the forum engine works fine, but needs some TLC.

We should start a 'Forum Features Request' thread for this.

I drank WHAT!?! - Socrates

Posts: 229
RE: New CAG forum coming soon, help wanted.
on 10/19/2011 10:39:50 AM
I'm for whatever. We've already got most of the people I like here anyway.
I'd like some kick-ass moderation though. How do people find out? Do we just email or message a select few? I wouldn't want every douchebag coming to the new place with the same bullshit. Gotta make some heads roll early to let them know the score. Any use of the word "intell" should result in a lifetime ban. No fatties. BYOB.

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