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Posts: 13
Youtube channel
on 10/16/2011 3:45:20 PM
I am really getting close to finishing the first of a few documentaries. I have so much material I had to decide which one to focus on first. I am just putting up a few snippets from here and there. The johnny zees contest is going to be a separate doc. The stories are too interesting to shorten so i pulled some stuff of jeff peters and jim vollandt down, but i will be putting more stuff up on stuff outside the lines.

I got some great interviews with Ken and Donald talking about dig dug before the 5 million threshold was broke it is really funny to see how time changes one's opinion.

As well i am going put some more stuff up from jeff and jim on other accomplishments.

Roy's Story i am leaving till i deal with the iron man stuff but will include tony and jeff and the current missile command acheivements.

i really haven't been going out of my way to promote this but i decided to let anyone know who reads this forum and because i support all dave has done with his staff.


Steve W

Posts: 157
RE: Youtube channel
on 10/16/2011 8:29:20 PM
Do you have video from the Johnny Zee's event Dwayne? That would be pretty awesome to check out.


Posts: 13
RE: Youtube channel
on 10/17/2011 12:19:44 AM
I interviewed almost everyone. I got too much footage and story to tell for one doc. The Perfect pacman will be a bit more negative and shocking which will make it easier to sell, but the johhny zee stuff and interviews with all the 80's players will fill people in and make alot of people laugh at the things that happened.

I talked to Donn Nauert a while back but after i found out what happened before he bacame the editor of trick and tips he didn't want to talk about it on camera.

His Cheyenne performance and crossbow are legendary. I got to see him play crossbow during the guinness event. the cheyenne score was from the iron man. He told me that there maybe a killscreen on those exidy shooting games.


Steve W

Posts: 157
RE: Youtube channel
on 10/17/2011 6:54:59 AM
Looking forward to checking that out Dwayne sounds like a great watch. I would have loved to see Donn play Crossbow, I've seen a few very good players locally but his score is outlandish.


Posts: 3
RE: Youtube channel
on 10/19/2011 5:01:24 PM
Sweet Dwayne! Love documentaries like this. Will be watching your youtube channel from now on. Loved that Lazer Maze Kid bio on you in 1986 when it was posted on the 1UP facebook page.


PS- Still gunning for your 1UP Star Wars score- was 1,322,000. Hardly get to play there with new Winter hours but making it a personal mission :)

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