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Posts: 157
Live Streamed Scores
on 7/12/2012 10:42:21 AM
I have seen this brought up in the threads before, but I was curious about live stream scores being accepted. If I streamed a score live from Funspot, would that score be accepted? I wanted to beat the Space Zap score and maybe a couple others.


Posts: 664
RE: Live Streamed Scores
on 7/12/2012 12:21:43 PM
Streaming live is how many folks have submitted scores lately, including Elijah Hayter's Nibbler World Record, and Lonnie McDonald's Joust tour.
The only thing I must caution you about streaming live from Funspot is the available bandwidth in the facility. Otherwise no problem.

Happy gaming!


Posts: 157
RE: Live Streamed Scores
on 7/12/2012 12:28:30 PM
Thanks Clint, I will go up sometime and test it out to see how well it works. As long as the wireless isn't being overused at the time it should be fine. I think it just had a hard time handling all the activity during the tournament.


Posts: 157
RE: Live Streamed Scores
on 7/14/2012 10:16:04 AM
I tried streaming from Funspot yesterday didn't work out too well. I will have to try another method because I would like to send some more scores to Aurcade.


Posts: 80
RE: Live Streamed Scores
on 7/14/2012 11:34:32 AM
@lakeman.Only Galloping Ghost is allowed to post scores with no proof but a "witness"


Posts: 20
RE: Live Streamed Scores
on 7/30/2012 11:03:10 PM
Underground Retrocade's owner can referee and submit an Aurcade high score, just like the Galloping Ghost. If you'd like to go for a high score, call ahead, reach out via Facebook, or email to make sure the owner will be there (he's actually there weekday evenings and usually most of the time on the weekend.)


Posts: 80
RE: Live Streamed Scores
on 7/30/2012 11:07:59 PM
Thanks for the info. Will check it out

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Forums   General Discussion  Live Streamed Scores