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Posts: 3
Testing! Testing! Going to mod an Atari to composite / Raiden II
on 1/21/2011 10:32:05 AM
Pac-Man OK, I'm having a play with the Aurcade forums. Seeing as there are no posts (yet) for projects, thought I'd mention I'm going to (try to) mod my Atari 2600. So I'll have to try to post a photo of my no-doubt-soon-to-be-destroyed Atari soon. Inky

Actually I am cleaning up and fixing a Raiden II machine. It's quite interesting although I have really little idea what all the buttons inside the cabinet do. There's a graphics glitch and some sound problems, I figure trying to set the chips right in the PCB should - hopefully - fix it. There's also perhaps 20 years of dust. Blinky

Cheers! Rev John (this post brought to you by beer) Pinky Sue


Posts: 65
RE: Testing! Testing! Going to mod an Atari to composite / Raiden II
on 1/22/2011 6:18:24 PM
So what kind of mod are you doing, the A/V mod?


Posts: 4
RE: Testing! Testing! Going to mod an Atari to composite / Raiden II
on 1/23/2011 8:30:45 PM
I went through the 2600 a/v mod experence. I first did the super simple Thomas Clancy mod with added pots for adjustment/fine tuning. But after having issues with several TV I decided to buy the Longhorn mod ( I paypal'd it right before Christmas, so I have not recieved it yet to give a review.

Good luck!


Posts: 3
RE: Testing! Testing! Going to mod an Atari to composite / Raiden II
on 3/28/2011 7:02:52 AM
Sorry ladies and gents, I've been meaning to do the mod described here - - it's a small step up from the very simple hack at Atari Age. I guess the only point of interest is if it's tyhe same on a PAL machine. But I still haven't got around to doing it. I fail. :O(


Posts: 3
RE: Testing! Testing! Going to mod an Atari to composite / Raiden II
on 9/26/2011 7:13:48 AM
Well I finally did the Ben Heck mod and it works no worries. The PAL Atari 2600 Jnr's PCB looks basically the same as the photoes in the mod.

Got a 60-in-1 board for my Raiden II cab. So much fun mucking about with the big machines!

Cheers! John

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Forums  Projects  Testing! Testing! Going to mod an Atari to composite / Raiden II
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