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 Pinball  Laserdisc  Redemption  Electro-Mechanical  Rollover
# Name Total Manufacturer Year Links
1. 0SNK1995Link
2.19XX: The War Against Destiny 3Capcom1995Link
3.2 On 2 Open Ice Challenge 4Midway1995Link
4.Aero Fighters 3 5Video System1995Link
5.Air Combat 22 1Namco1995Link
6.Akkanvader 0Taito1995Link
7.Alien Challenge 0International Games System1995Link
8.Alpine Racer 23Namco1995Link
9.Apollo 13 Pinball8Sega1995
10.Area 51 101Atari1995Link
11.Attack From Mars Pinball48Bally Midway1995Link
12.Barb-Wire Pinball7Premier / Gottlieb1995
13.Batman Forever Pinball9Sega1995Link
14.Baywatch Pinball13Sega1995
15.Biomechanical Toy 2Gaelco1995Link
16.Bubble Memories: The Story Of Bubble Bobble III 2Taito1995Link
17.Congo Pinball16Williams1995
18.Crypt Killer 2Konami1995Link
19.Cyber Cycles 25Namco1995Link
20.Cyber Troopers: Virtual On 28Sega1995Link
21.delete 0Taito1995Link
22.Desert War 1Jaleco1995Link
23.Dirt Dash 6Namco1995Link
24.Dirty Harry Pinball13Williams1995
25.DonPachi 3Cave1995Link
26.Double Dragon (Neo Geo) 4Technos1995Link
27.Dragon Ball Z 2: Super Battle 1Banpresto1995
28.Excelsior 01995
29.Fatal Fury 3 : Road To the Final Victory 2SNK1995Link
30.Fighting Vipers 4Sega1995Link
31.Frank Thomas' Big Hurt Pinball5Premier / Gottlieb1995
32.Galaxy Fight Universal Warriors 2Sunsoft1995Link
33.Gekirindan  2Taito1995Link
34.Goal! Goal! Goal! 1Visco Games1995Link
35.Golden Tee 3d Golf 8Incredible Tech.1995Link
36.Great 1000 Mile Rally 2 1Kaneko1995Link
37.Gundhara 1Banpresto1995Link
38.Hoop It Up World Tour Redemption3Atari1995Link
39.Indianapolis 500 Pinball9Midway1995
40.Indy 500 23Sega1995Link
41.Jackbot Pinball20Williams1995
42.Jackie Chan in Fists of Fire 0Kaneko1995Link
43.Jackie Chan The Kung Fu Master 1Kaneko1995
44.Johnny Mnemonic Pinball20Williams1995
45.King of Fighters '95, The 3SNK1995Link
46.Landing Gear 2Taito1995Link
47.Magical Drop 1Data East1995
48.Manx TT Superbike Twin 45Sega1995Link
49.Mario Andretti Pinball3Gottlieb1995Link
50.Marvel Super Heroes 31Capcom1995Link
51.Mary Shelley's Frankenstein  Pinball13Sega1995
52.Mega Man: The Power Battle 14Capcom1995Link
53.Mortal Kombat 3 18Midway1995Link
54.Mouse Attack Redemption13Game Room1995Link
55.Namco Classic Collection Volume 1 11Namco1995Link
56.NHL Open Ice 11Midway1995Link
57.Night Warriors 2Capcom1995Link
58.No Fear: Dangerous Sports Pinball29Williams1995Link
59.Oni - The Ninja Master 1Banpresto1995
60.Pang! 3 0Mitchell1995Link
61.Pinball Circus, The Pinball1Williams1995
62.Pinball Magic Pinball9Capcom1995
63.Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon 4Banpresto1995Link
64.Pulstar 3Aicom1995Link
65.Puzzle Bobble 2 1Taito1995Link
66.Puzzle Bobble 2x 0Taito1995Link
67.Rave Racer 7Namco1995Link
68.RC Squared 1Electronic Arts/Global VR1995
69.Real Bout Fatal Fury 1SNK1995Link
70.Samurai Shodown III 5SNK1995Link
71.Savage Reign 1SNK1995Link
72.Sega Rally Championship 33Sega1995Link
73.Shaq Attaq Pinball3Gottlieb1995Link
74.Sky Target 8Sega1995Link
75.Soul Edge 16Namco1995Link
76.Space Invaders '95: The Attack of Lunar Loonies 1Taito1995Link
77.Speed Racer 4Namco1995Link
78.Stargate Pinball15Premier / Gottlieb1995
79.Street Fighter Alpha: Warriors' Dreams 5Capcom1995Link
80.Street Fighter: The Movie 2Capcom1995Link
81.Strikers 1945 11Psikyo1995Link
82.Strikes N Spares PinballRedemption7Premier / Gottlieb1995Link
83.Super Sidekicks 3 - The Next Glory 0SNK1995Link
84.Tekken 2 27Namco1995Link
85.Theatre of Magic  Pinball47Bally1995
86.Time Crisis 34Namco1995Link
87.Twin Cobra II 1Taito1995Link
88.Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 78Midway1995Link
89.Ultra X Weapons 1Banpresto1995Link
90.Viper Phase 1 9Seibu Kaihatsu1995Link
91.Virtua Cop 2 19Sega1995Link
92.Virtua Fighter 2 13Sega1995Link
93.Virtua Fighter Remix 1Sega1995Link
94.Who Dunnit Pinball21Bally1995
95.Winding Heat 1Konami1995Link
96.World Challenge Soccer Pinball2Gottlieb1995
97.WWF Wrestlemania 20Midway1995Link
98.Zombie Raid 11American Sammy1995Link
Recent Scores
Andrew Iwaszko
Alex Leora
Alex Leora
Alex Leora
Michael D. Smith