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Posts: 157
New World Record
on 12/8/2011 11:20:22 PM
I broke the world record tonight for Cheeky Mouse at 130,190 at Funspot. I had one of my good friends there supporting me. I didn't record it because you Aurcade does not accept video recordings which is stupid for a 30 year old game with a butt on it. I don't need official proof because I know I did it and I can always do it again. I destroyed Michael Sao Pedro's old record by 23,000 points. Waiting until next year's ACAM tournament at Funspot next year is too long and stupid to wait for. I'm recording it again and sending it to Twin Galaxies. Peace.

Steve W

Posts: 157
RE: New World Record
on 12/9/2011 6:21:39 AM
Maybe you and Mike can play some doubles next tourney.


Posts: 157
RE: New World Record
on 12/9/2011 8:19:04 AM
Yeah I would be up for that. I am still going to try to do it next year at ACAM with people there, but it is to far from now so I do want to get it on video for the time being.


Posts: 103
RE: New World Record
on 12/9/2011 12:52:55 PM
Just FYI Aurcade does not accept just any video taped score. There is simply not enough manpower to do it. That said, I have verified a few video submissions and have a few more I am in process of. I would probably take the time to verify that score too since its a clobbering of the WR. I dont know if any of the other at large refs are doing submissions but I do take them on a case by case basis.



Posts: 157
RE: New World Record
on 12/9/2011 2:30:15 PM
I'll be up at Funspot recording another attempt tomorrow. I'll keep it and send it to whoever would like to see it. I'll probably go to Twin Galaxies with it to get it official. Even though they require you to open up the machine and stuff, I assume if I do it at Funspot it is good enough because there are only a few Cheeky Mouse machines left.


Posts: 23
RE: New World Record
on 12/9/2011 11:51:12 PM
Why didnt you record it on wolfmame 0106 mate or wasnt it on there to be on the safe side tape it throug that.


Posts: 157
RE: New World Record
on 12/10/2011 1:10:16 AM
Honestly I was just there to practice, because my previous best was 79,990 and I was working on my strategies. I got to 82,000, then the planets aligned and I got in the zone and beat it. I wasn't planning on breaking a world record on a game i have only been practicing for 2 weeks. Im going to go for it tomorrow on tape and make it official.

Rob Ross

Posts: 196
RE: New World Record
on 1/1/2012 9:56:21 AM

Could you add this video to your WR verifying:

I destroyed my old record by 5,000 points at Funspot and will attempt to break the 30,000 point barrier at ACAM 14.


Posts: 103
RE: New World Record
on 1/1/2012 4:53:48 PM
I'm going to check with David on this. The video quality is not very good and we cannot really make out the score durring the game.

Personally, with the factors, the funspot machine, no settings to change, the score clear at the end... I would call it good, Lets see what 'the boss' thinks.



Posts: 157
RE: New World Record
on 1/1/2012 9:19:26 PM
If you are willing to look at my Cheeky Mouse record, I got both parts on youtube. Footage also includes me walking into Funspot, setting up the camera, and filming the machine after. Overall, it was about a 17 minute game. It was sent to a referee at Twin Galaxies and has been accepted.

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