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Posts: 22
-=- East vs. West -=-
on 3/26/2012 6:21:34 PM

Hey all!

Had a blast this weekend with the west coast gang, I want to thank everyone for coming out to support and compete. I really like the "team play" format. I hope we can do more of these style events in the future. The whole vibe was rooting your team on and not so much working to take down your friends scores. The Ken-cade was packed! So much fun and good times I can't even put it into words.

Big thank you to Aurcade Dave for such a great app to input scores and big thanks to Brotha Ken, the Knuckles Posse and Funspot all-stars for putting this thing on. Good times good times.

Kudos to MVP Steve Wagner for kickin ass.. big respectz, Ez

Steve W

Posts: 157
RE: -=- East vs. West -=-
on 3/26/2012 10:25:34 PM
Yo E, you guys got some crazy Robotron players out there including yourself, holy moly. Great times. Hope to get together with all the west coasters again soon. Always a great time and Dave's Aurcade scoring was so money, loved it. Props to everyone who competed and all the organizers, one of the best weekends I can remember, so much fun.


Posts: 103
RE: -=- East vs. West -=-
on 3/26/2012 10:48:53 PM
West Coast had a GREAT time. I was pretty stoked about making our lineup with all the players in the mix. Dave and I have a few things to tweak for next time but overall it feels like a HUGE success! Thanks to everyone involved.



Posts: 115
RE: -=- East vs. West -=-
on 3/26/2012 11:14:37 PM
I really liked the scoring system. There's something fun about an arcade contest where the goal is to maintain as low a score as possible. Also, not using a percentage based scoring system meant one monster score on a game didn't make all other scores for that game irrelevant. With so many great players participating there was obviously going to be specialists, but how you compared to the specialists didn't matter as much as how you stacked up against everyone else.


Posts: 31
RE: -=- East vs. West -=-
on 3/27/2012 12:59:36 PM
VonDummpenstein Wrote:
I really liked the scoring system. There's something fun about an arcade contest where the goal is to maintain as low a score as possible. Also, not using a percentage based scoring system meant one monster score on a game didn't make all other scores for that game irrelevant. With so many great players participating there was obviously going to be specialists, but how you compared to the specialists didn't matter as much as how you stacked up against everyone else.

This explains perfectly why the team-based play and the ranking system for scores felt perfect to me. Every game has its own scoring mechanics and some are really screwy and can be much more subject to luck, like Zoo Keeper. Ranking all the players on each game makes more sense, and having team-based play encourages players to help each other improve. It allowed us to celebrate each others' personal victories rather than wishing that all other players fail so that you can win.

I got new personal bests on 7 of the 12 contest games, and it came about partially because I could see from the real-time standings on each game where I could help my team the most by jumping several places in the standings. Whereas normally I would have been content with a 150k Galaga TGTS score, I saw that if I could hit 200k I would jump 10 spots and help my team. It motivated me to keep trying, and I got a 207k. I'd never broken 200k on Galaga ever, even on default settings, and this time I did it on 'Hard' difficulty with only 5 ships. Same thing with Pole Position. I'd never finished the race in Pole Position, ever, but did for the first time on Saturday, pushing my personal best from 44k to 57,600. Also, I'd never really played Track & Field before and didn't have access to one to practice, but I learned how to play from teammates during the contest and was able to put up an 81k. I also had Matt Hall keeping pace with me on Moon Patrol and motivating me to keep trying, and I pulled out a 334k with about 15 minutes to go on Sunday.

I had an awesome time. I don't know how often we're going to get to do this, but I think twice a year would be quite possible, once in the spring and once in the fall. That would avoid most of the major CAG events and gaming shows (most of which occur in the summertime between late May and mid-August) as well as avoiding Thanksgiving and Christmas, etc.


Posts: 132
RE: -=- East vs. West -=-
on 3/27/2012 1:46:00 PM
Thanks to everyone for the kind words on the scoring system. While I was only a spectator, I agree it felt like we more than achieved the goal of bringing people out to play. Aurcade's goal has always been about inclusion, and this weekend was a great step. It will only improve!

I have a few things up my sleeve to improve on the scoring system interface. And as Ken said we'll be tweaking the math to fine tune it as well.

I look forward to a possible fall event, and hopefully with even more venues!

I drank WHAT!?! - Socrates
Steve W

Posts: 157
RE: -=- East vs. West -=-
on 3/27/2012 1:55:37 PM
I also love the fact that we are not relegated to having someone time our games. We are all adults and can all tell time and/or can hear a beep. Something like DK where there was a chance I could go an hour worked out great because I had about 5 bad starts where I could kill off my game and restart my timer just in case I got a good game going. In another tournament, I would be relegated to having to wait hours in between each attempt. It's feels very much like freedom being on your own gaming schedule like that. I love this format so much, was the most fun I've had playing games in a long, long time. Hopefully we are playing this tourney so far into the future that we are now all one team of Earth playing against Mars.


Posts: 103
RE: -=- East vs. West -=-
on 3/27/2012 3:11:23 PM
Bring on the Martians!


Posts: 22
RE: -=- East vs. West -=-
on 3/28/2012 6:05:26 AM
I hear the Martians suck eggs at Frogger. What!? It's true. ET blabs everything..can't keep his dehydrated ass mouth shut.

I could totally roll up for another BotAs in the Fall. Maybe this time we could add some vectors too. Get a date locked in.


Posts: 4
RE: -=- East vs. West -=-
on 3/28/2012 7:34:25 PM
Sounds like everyone had a blast. I knew this would be a kick-ass event. Sorry I couldnt make it this time but I was a little busy with another tourny myself.

The sooner we have dates for another the better. I'd love to make it to one sometime.



Posts: 132
RE: -=- East vs. West -=-
on 3/28/2012 8:31:28 PM
FlyHec Wrote:
Sounds like everyone had a blast. I knew this would be a kick-ass event. Sorry I couldnt make it this time but I was a little busy with another tourny myself.

The sooner we have dates for another the better. I'd love to make it to one sometime.


Ken and will be talking soon to plan the next one. We'll be sure to determine the date soon.

By the way, excellent collection Hector. You and I have similar tastes!

I drank WHAT!?! - Socrates

Posts: 61
RE: -=- East vs. West -=-
on 3/30/2012 7:16:55 PM
I had a blast, so much fun playing with friends and upping each others scores.
Looking forward to the next event. Would be great if we can get more players
and or teams going.

I liked the scoring system, makes it pretty darn fair to all. Wonder if we can
tinker with it just a bit and award bonus points for some magically hard to do
thing, like a team taking 6 of the top 10 spots on 1 title. Would make it fun to try
to up your score to not allow bonus points on the other team. And would cause
the team to try harder to get them also. Maybe like bonus of 25-50 points but
can only happen on 1 to 3 games or something like that.


Posts: 79
RE: -=- East vs. West -=-
on 4/4/2012 1:23:19 AM
I'm a bit late to the thread but I just wanted to add my thanks for the event. I had a great time.

One suggestion that I would have for the next one would be to allow more interaction between the locations. An idea would be to have a constant Skype call going between the locations so people can get on to chat and joke around.

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