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Posts: 157
RE: Pinball Wizard
on 8/8/2012 10:51:16 PM
Rob you did it again, you massive racist. I got the joke and laughed about it. Especially if numerous women in Concord know about what I'm packing based on experience, I must be doing pretty well with the ladies. You people on here need to lighten up a bit and not be so serious and sensitive about everything. Oh crap... I said you people, now I'm a racist.


Posts: 1
RE: Pinball Wizard
on 8/8/2012 11:00:49 PM
Wow I logged on just to see any comments about the tournament last weekend. I never expected to see all this boloney. Some of the comments are just downright shameful and I don't care who you are, how old you are or if your educated or not. There are just some things you don't say or shouldn't even comment on period.

I just wanted to say thanks to Sarah and all the people who worked and volunteered this past weekend and made competing in this tournament an experience that was so much fun. I enjoy taking the trip up from Medford to play pinball and video games every month or so as a way to relieve the stresses of working everyday and when my wife said to me why don't you compete in the tournament I first said no, because I always have enjoyed pinball as recreation.

I'm 45 years old and I got to play some pinball games this past weekend that I can honestly say I have not had a chance to play since I was a teenager in the early 80's (ie SILVERBALL MANIA & PARAGON). That in itself made competing fun because it brought me back to my youth.

I never thought I would even come in the top 50 never mind the top 25. But when it was over and I saw I ended up 22nd overall I felt tired but was happy with the effort that I made. And I was also very impressed at the awards ceremony with the prizes given to the two young girls that competed in the all around with the help of their parents. I think they were 7 & 10 years old. Cudos to them for a great achievement !!

I can't wait to come back up again soon to play some of those older pinball machines.

Again thanks to PBW for having something fun to do to forget about all the craziness that goes on in everyday life for at least one summer weekend.


Nickie K


Posts: 157
RE: Pinball Wizard
on 8/8/2012 11:26:27 PM
Im glad that people including myself had fun in the tournament, because thats what its all about. Sounds like overall it was a success. I had my opinions and I said things in a way that I probably shouldnt have, but I apologized for some things I said, so hopefully I'm starting a trend to own up to mistakes. We have also been joking on here, having fun, and making sarcastic remarks, and I guess people dont understand that kind of humor. Great job on your performance and that you are satisfied with it, because that is part of the fun is to see how well you can do against the best in the world. Good luck to you and the best of luck for future events.


Posts: 132
RE: Pinball Wizard
on 8/9/2012 9:45:04 AM
I've been traveling so I wasn't able to keep an eye on this.

I'm closing this thread as it has nowhere else to go.

Specific parties have been warned of their form behavior.

I drank WHAT!?! - Socrates
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