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Posts: 9
RE: Pinball Wizard
on 8/8/2012 12:08:58 AM
Robbie what does you having a B.S. with honors., writes code all day and being 25 have to do with this or pinball? You came off as a arrogant and still are coming off as such. Who the cares what you have? Does that make you a better pinball player??? You posted a bunch of negative posts and people whacked you for it period! Then when people stuck up for them or tried to make friends you pissed on them too. Don't try to tell me about why and how people play pinball, I went to the tourney to socialize and see friends. I did not go to take first place nor did I attempt to. I played my one warm up game and then played my real game and that is the score I logged period. I did not spend an extra sixty bucks to get my name in the top twenty which I could have. I played and what my score was when I finished is what it was. I didn't go to compete with everybody on the board. I don't pretend to be the player I am not. So don't assume you know how and why everybody plays pinball for. I have my opinion about progressive play and people I associate with know my opinion.
Your last post to Bowen shows how wrong you are because no one else got the information you got and why would an admin tell you anything about the tourney when they do nothing but provide the scoring system for the arcade. Me I would have contacted the arcade and asked the people putting on the event and not a second party. And yet another post from you that doesn't make sense "you were told this information from a salesman" you said in another post making it sound like it was someone from the arcade staff. It was an admin from Aurcade? You are complaining about a misconception you had about the tournement and the information you got about the event was not even from a member of the pinwiz staff ?are you really kidding me? Good luck on playing pinball for chance and not for skill, you will be a broke top player one day for sure. Guys deep six this one, we have a winna !!!


Posts: 80
RE: Pinball Wizard
on 8/8/2012 12:27:01 AM


Posts: 157
RE: Pinball Wizard
on 8/8/2012 12:34:55 AM
Looks like someone cant even read their own posts. You said I know nothing about business and I am stating that I do know about business. I didnt get off the topic of pinball to talk about business, you did. And my post about being told information from a salesman, I was referring to the Aurcade Admin and not anyone at Pinball Wizard if you read the beginning of this thread. Anyone else could have seen it and fell for it too. When the truth is stretched to get someone to buy into something, that is sales my friend. But you should know since you have such high business knowledge. You posted your opinion on Pinball play and the tournament, and I posted mine and let's leave it at that. Good luck in your business telling customers to leave when they dont like what you sold them, let's see how long that lasts.


Posts: 9
RE: Pinball Wizard
on 8/8/2012 1:54:35 AM
You need to go back and re read your own post. Here is a copy of your own post so you can remember it.

I was convinced to try it under false information about this tournament by a salesman and I believed that paying for a three day tournament would last for all three days.

If I said I was sold a weekend package to a pinball tournement by a salesman who would you think I was talking about? Someone from pinwiz right? Most people would not even know Aurcade existed. I went to PINWIZ to sign up and play not Aurcade Right?

Next is how I got to business again because of one of your posts. Again so you can remenber and not twist what you said.

If raising your hand for five minutes to post a score because of the shortage of volunteers and poor planning is your definition of a well run event, then it was well done

You know so much about business first they were employees not volunteers as I stated before many of them not including Sarah and her tech which filled in also taking scores. Employees cost money, even to hire them for three days is prohibitive. More score takers involvers more ipads which involves a lot of money. The idea of a good Business model would be to make money not lose money on it. I know I should go back and re read what you posted. You try to spin what you said around like you did in previous posts.

A customer like you cost a Business more money in effort trying to please you then you are worth. Nah, you are right I don't know anything about Business and I am not going to get into a pissing match. So here is the bottom line.

Here is your post to Bowen;

They advertised themselves as running the tournament, but none of them were there. That is why I felt like I received false information. I have never done a pinball tournament, and I wanted to try it out. Based on the false information and my experience, I felt like I was ripped off. If I ever try this tournament again I will take your advice and just compete in one of tournaments. Most likely the ones that only cost two tokens, because the three token games and the four token mystery game turns me away.

Here is what I got rereading all your posts;

First, Never, no where did I ever see or read Aurcade come off that this was their event or that they were running the event so unless you are reading something that no one else did. So the story about what you were told from a second party that makes no sense at all.

Second, sounds to me like you were looking to go to the event and play all day on other peoples free credits and you did not bring any extra money with you.. You assumed that when people logged their score that they would leave their credits on the machine and you would swoop in and play them. This is what you thought was going to happen but in actuallity When you ran out of tokens because you are bad at playing, played like a fool, pumped all your tokens into the first few machines you played, did not have any extra money with you to buy more tokens, and figured out that people were not leaving their credits on the machine, the tournement sucked and you decided to leave. As you were driving away in your car this was the time when you felt ripped off and mislead

So nuff said, moving on.


Posts: 157
RE: Pinball Wizard
on 8/8/2012 2:28:12 AM
Good job reading, and for that I applaud you. I called the Aurcade Admin a salesman because that is what he and all of them are. They have a product and service and they promote the events they run, their technology, and promote arcades especially Galloping Ghost. It's a business and for this event they outsourced help and branded their name on the event. I apologized for things I said and people can either accept it or waste their time calling my posts bullshit. If you think my posts are bullshit, that is your opinion and does not affect me whatsoever. I have my own opinion and I'm flattered that it seems to affect you so much. I brought plenty of money to the event, but I decided I had better things to spend my money on once my tokens were gone. Too bad you missed me, I was the guy who would play a game and look behind me to see if anyone was waiting before I put anymore tokens into the machine. I was also the guy who was polite to the staff and thanked them each time they logged my score. If you saw someone making people wait while pumping tokens in the machine, you must have mistaken them for me.


Posts: 9
RE: Pinball Wizard
on 8/8/2012 8:12:58 AM


Posts: 157
RE: Pinball Wizard
on 8/8/2012 10:02:52 AM
I understood it because I actually read it. Later buddy.

Rob Ross

Posts: 196
RE: Pinball Wizard
on 8/8/2012 12:36:50 PM
This thread is a classic example of:

An internet (keyboard tough guy) fight

People misunderstanding the written word

One person disliking an event and another liking it

At least Robbie tried the tourney and can now understand the mechanics behind how it could conform to his needs. Some of us have played the ACAM arcade game event and won't be back, while others for various reasons love it, probably due to an expectations versus actual outcome perception.

I'm sure brimc had certain expectations before he lost his sense of humor and messaged me about not playing fair. I mentioned Robbie had a small penis earlier and you didn't hear him acting like a whiney bitch.

And that my friends is a classic example of people getting overly politically correct. Although I know some of you laughed at what I said.


Posts: 19
RE: Pinball Wizard
on 8/8/2012 1:09:28 PM


Posts: 9
RE: Pinball Wizard
on 8/8/2012 4:13:48 PM
Rob, Pretty Racist comment wasn't it??? Me I would do some editing pretty quick. That was pretty uncalled for and usually doesn't go over to well these days.


Posts: 80
RE: Pinball Wizard
on 8/8/2012 5:22:16 PM
People have gotten banned for less


Posts: 157
RE: Pinball Wizard
on 8/8/2012 5:26:18 PM
I heard the last guy that made a suggestion on here got banned from this site.

Rob Ross

Posts: 196
RE: Pinball Wizard
on 8/8/2012 6:26:04 PM
Can anyone explain to me how my comment is racist? Brimc on private messages can't...and I'm not seeing it.


Posts: 157
RE: Pinball Wizard
on 8/8/2012 6:43:39 PM
It's racists Rob, because you put the word "Black" in front of another word. That is racist in the eyes of geniuses in this world.


Posts: 664
RE: Pinball Wizard
on 8/8/2012 7:07:21 PM
Keep the comments clean guys, don't attack anybody.

"Any form of racism, sexism, religious hate, pornography/overly suggestive material, violence/gore, age/maturity sensitive material, instigating fights or personal bashing of any kind will NOT be tolerated."

Feel free to criticize the tournaments themselves though .
What did they do right?
What did they do wrong?
What could they have done better?

Feedback like that is what keeps our hobby thriving.


Posts: 10
RE: Pinball Wizard
on 8/8/2012 7:18:52 PM
Must not feed trolls.

They couldn't get their 15 min of fame by actually doing well at the ACAM or Pinwiz tournaments so they are looking for that 15 min of fame here by bashing them or claiming others cheated.

Must not feed trolls.

At the rate they are going they will only be welcome in there own houses cause no one will want their attitude in their business.

Must not feed trolls.

Back under my bridge....

Rob Ross

Posts: 196
RE: Pinball Wizard
on 8/8/2012 7:29:59 PM
Chill the eff out. I edited my comment to make it more PC.

Ya Robbie I see what you mean. I thought my comment was showing my support for the guy's choice of wang and pro-homo in selecting a dude to abuse him as opposed to a chick.

Some people can't take a joke. Not like you Robbie when earlier I mentioned your nickname is Lephrauchan because of your wee junk.


Posts: 157
RE: Pinball Wizard
on 8/8/2012 7:35:52 PM
That was my point from the start. I felt the need to criticize the tournament based on my experience. I may have had a lousy attitude at the beginning and said some things the wrong way. I apologized for that, and I also entered in my suggestions. People are so sensitive, get defensive about, it and attack me. I was just defending myself. They get mad because what I say irritates them and what they say has no affect on me. And let's be serious, no matter how well you do in any gaming or pinball tournament, none of us are famous. The best we can do is be well known in a small community of hobbyists. The days of getting famous doing this are a thing of the past.


Posts: 2
RE: Pinball Wizard
on 8/8/2012 8:39:56 PM

Rob Ross

Posts: 196
RE: Pinball Wizard
on 8/8/2012 9:36:20 PM
Now you guys know the truth behind why the pinball machine The Black Knight freaks me out. I think the knight isn't a white guy under his armor and being a huge racist I can't handle it.

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