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Posts: 58
RE: Pinball Wizard
on 8/7/2012 11:05:01 AM
lakeman421 Wrote:
Thanks Martin for validating my point.

Umm is that what I did? Let me just clarify. You run out of tokens, you buy more tokens, just like any other arcade. Yes, Pinball Wizard will make money from this and that's completely normal, they are a buisness. I honestly see no problem here, an extra 20 dollars to play premium pins just doesn't seem like a big deal to me. That's just me though.

I guess you'd prefer a system where the entry fee covers the whole tournament and the games are on free play? That's fine too, I've seen it before, it just wasn't the way this tourney was run. It's unfortunate that a misunderstanding led you to think it was the case.

Does paying more get you better odds in winning? Maybe little extra money will help at first but there is a law of diminishing returns. A bad player won't win no matter how much cash he puts in, while others may not even need extra tokens, both luck and skill involved here. There will always be hurt feelings in a tournament, not everyone can finish in the money and that's just how it is.


Posts: 9
RE: Pinball Wizard
on 8/7/2012 11:22:54 AM
The only thing you are doing to qualify is play all the machines in each catigory to quallfy for that catagory. You can get ten points on every machine and still qualify so that attempt to proove your point was moot. Anyways enough time debating this, It takes a ton of effort to put on an event there are a lot of behind the scenes things that you could not even imagine. Is any event going to be perfect? probably not. Again Sarah and her crew did a great job putting this even on. kypinman your post was perfect, Lakeman I agree if you ever want to get together at Pinwiz or any other location Let me know I would be more than glad to spend an afternoon practicing with you. I am not the best player but I don't play to be either.



Posts: 157
RE: Pinball Wizard
on 8/7/2012 12:01:22 PM
I will respond to each of you individually. Hank you seem to have very little knowledge of golf and you are free to disagree. There is a lot of luck involved in golf just like anything else, and every course is different. Types of grass, course layout, and green speeds are different at every course. If you think that it isnt about learning the course that proves you dont have enough knowledge to challange my example especially since equipment was never brought up in my example. I did place blame where it wasnt deserved and I do apologize for that, but I just want the tournament to get better. I agree to your sponsorship idea if changes to improve the tournament are willing to be made. It seems people around here are too stubborn and want things to stay the same year after year. When an event is run you should look back on it and say "What was done right?" and "What could we have done better?" and use that to help improve things for next year. I shared my opinion on what could be improved on, and you can accept it or reject it, but if improvements arent willing to be made I wont be back and it wont affect you whatsoever.


Posts: 157
RE: Pinball Wizard
on 8/7/2012 12:11:32 PM
Martin, when someone says that enough tokens werent supplied for a three day event, and you reply by saying the business wants to make money, than yes you did validate my point. Im not hating on Pinball Wizard for wanting to make money, And like I have said before if you actually read what I have said, I never said or expected any tournament to have freeplay. It wouldnt hurt to provide more tokens or turn down the token amount for each game. I am not complaining because I didnt win any money or placed because that is not what it is about. A competitve tournament also involves people who arent going to win to at have the chance to see how well they can perform and feel self sccomplishment. I felt that I wasnt given the opportunity to do that with what was supplied.


Posts: 4
RE: Pinball Wizard
on 8/7/2012 12:25:33 PM
Hi Robbie,

Obviously you are not a Pinball player and probably will never be one, stop wasting everyone's time and energy on frivolous posts. Stick to video games and playing with your joystick....



Posts: 157
RE: Pinball Wizard
on 8/7/2012 12:27:07 PM
Brian, if the goal is to qualify than that is weak in my opinion. If you are afraid to read which seems to be the current trend around here, my point is that a competition should allow people the opportunity to do their best and feel pride whether they win or not. I am a regular player at Funspot, and I know the people at ACAM enough to know what goes on behind the scenes, and the amount of work that goes into such an event. So dont assume or accuse me of not knowing anything about running an event. I welcome anyone who wants play games or pins with me, because I do like to have fun and socialize. I want any event to improve year after year and maybe it's my fault for caring too much.


Posts: 157
RE: Pinball Wizard
on 8/7/2012 12:36:25 PM
Sarah, I respect pinball and I would like to get into it a lot more. It's words like that, that discourages people from playing pinball and keeps them away, but what you say doesnt bother me. I have the right to waste my own time on "frivolous" posts, and If everyone else wastes their time responding to my posts than that is their choice.



Posts: 2
RE: Pinball Wizard
on 8/7/2012 12:47:17 PM
lakeman421 Wrote:
It wouldnt hurt to provide more tokens or turn down the token amount for each game. I am not complaining because I didnt win any money or placed because that is not what it is about. A competitve tournament also involves people who arent going to win to at have the chance to see how well they can perform and feel self sccomplishment. I felt that I wasnt given the opportunity to do that with what was supplied.

You are right, it wouldn't hurt you, but being fortunate enough to live close to this place and able to go weekly, I can't stress how many manhours have been spent getting these tables in shape over the last few months. I was floored showing up on Saturday to see 7 or 8 new machines altogether. This was all done without tipping regulars off as to what machines would be in the tournament.

The 13 80s games are 2.000 tokens a piece. the 17 90s games average 2.411 tokens per game, and the 9 2000s games running straight 3.000. Playing through everything once cost 46.995% of initial allotment with nothing 'extra' going towards all the manhours leading up to the event and all the hours that will be spent over the next couple weeks fixing the games that got the crap kicked out of them.

Like you, I knew I was 'dead money' in this but there was plenty of opportunity provided for me to feel self accomplishment, which I did in multiple individual games.


Posts: 9
RE: Pinball Wizard
on 8/7/2012 1:03:33 PM
Lakeman it sounds like you just feel the need to complain about something as you said "continuously fix something" just because. You really don't know much about putting on an event or running a business because all you complained about is mostly behind the scenes things that hanging around fun spot you would not know. Laws, legalities, costs it is all things that are involved with running events. Here's another point you brought up. You commented about the scoring, it cost money to buy more ipads and hire employees to take scores, those were employees not volunteers. Your comment about not having enough tokens goes back to you not being a good pinball player and expecting the location to supply you with enough tokens to A. play all weekend B. You are attempting to raise your score because you are a sub par player. Don't go to papa because you will not play all weekend for one price. After just reading your post back to Sarah you are just trying to stir things up, I offered to practice with you and you came back with a rude post. you are trying to stir stuff and you admitted you want to get more into pinball. Your one of those people that in my business we take the item back we sold you and ask you to leave and refuse to do business with.

Rob Ross

Posts: 196
RE: Pinball Wizard
on 8/7/2012 1:15:19 PM
Any good event organizer will do a debriefing afterwards with the staff and or participants to evaluate what worked and what didn't.

Sarah seems like a smart cookie. I'm betting she can learn from the last 2 tourneys and make the third even better.

I didn't compete, but was there on Sunday to check it out. Here are my thoughts:

1. Group the games together. By this I mean do the extra work and get all ten 80's games side by side and have 2 scorers watching them. Repeat this step for the 90's and 00's. Now, maybe there is some reason this can't be done that I don't know about, logistics wise. However you can rarely go wrong by being better organized.


Just make the tournament 20 to 30 random games and place them all in a row.

2. Set all the pins to 1 token equals 1 game. Having the modern games cost 3 tokens may shun some competitors away from that category. Now, to offset less tokens going in the machines you give out less prize money. IMO Sarah was way over generous with the payouts. She gave out like double what ACAM does in their yearly tourney and ACAM's supposed to be thee tournament of all tournaments at the largest arcade in the world. A tip of my cap to Sarah for giving out that much cash. The winners must be over joyed.

3&4 are EXTRA SPECIAL STUFF only if you have the time and resources to blow our minds

3. Get someone to MC the event. If you can set up an audio system it's always good to have a sultry voice giving tourney updates, reminding people of the rules, announcing how much time is left, conducting random interviews with players, etc

4. Get a webcam to stream the tourney over the net. Bandwidth can be an issue, but with today's technology this is almost a must have.

Rob Ross

Posts: 196
RE: Pinball Wizard
on 8/7/2012 1:28:03 PM a small side point I think it's funny how people have said the ACAM 14 tourney (and it's previous tourneys) don't make a profit or that they lose money, yet people on here are saying The Pinball Wizard does make a profit (cuz news flash it's a business) even though both tournaments charge almost the same entrance fee, get the same number of players, but Sarah gives out double the prize money. How is that possible? How does TPW come out on top and Funspot doesn't? Are my math skills that bad?

My opinion is that Sarah should totally make a profit and so should ACAM/Funspot. Because in the end we all get what we want....players get a fun weekend playing/competing and making new friends/seeing old friends and the venue gets a cash infusion.

P.S. Word around Concord from the lady folk is that Robbie isn't great with his joystick. They call him Leprechaun in reference to the teeny joystick on that Funspot machine.


Posts: 2
RE: Pinball Wizard
on 8/7/2012 1:37:10 PM
Rob Ross Wrote:

1. Group the games together. By this I mean do the extra work and get all ten 80's games side by side and have 2 scorers watching them. Repeat this step for the 90's and 00's. Now, maybe there is some reason this can't be done that I don't know about, logistics wise. However you can rarely go wrong by being better organized.

2. Set all the pins to 1 token equals 1 game. Having the modern games cost 3 tokens may shun some competitors away from that category. Now, to offset less tokens going in the machines you give out less prize money. IMO Sarah was way over generous with the payouts. She gave out like double what ACAM does in their yearly tourney and ACAM's supposed to be thee tournament of all tournaments at the largest arcade in the world. A tip of my cap to Sarah for giving out that much cash. The winners must be over joyed.

1. I think the idea is to keep congestion down, there are some spots especially around the 90s games in the first row where it is tough to get by.

2. I saw a few spectators playing empty tournament games which I would think would be more prevalent if they were all set to one token.

-The backroom was about 20 degrees cooler than anywhere else on Saturday, but was generally underused by players. With the cell phone store running promos, that backroom would be an excellent spot for a charging station given that most players were using tablets and phones to see their scores.

Rob Ross

Posts: 196
RE: Pinball Wizard
on 8/7/2012 1:46:44 PM
Sweet points Fuzzy. It is tight inside TPW, but personally I enjoyed it tight. Reminded me of the old arcades in Toronto.

I think the 00's games could have been bunched together and they almost were cuz from Tron to Monopoly was like 5 or 6 of them side by side. Squeezing in the other 4 or 5 and having them lined up would have at the very least looked amazing.

But I will concede that spreading them out maybe gave more room to move around.

And your point 2 about random people playing the games if they were cheaper is exactly why you have an MC on a microphone doing announcements...or cordon off the tourney area like Funspot does...or have the scorers politely tell those random people (who won't be wearing a tourney number tag) to please play the other non-tournament machines. It's all about being organized and having a great team...and Sarah's staff seemed to be quite good.


Posts: 8
RE: Pinball Wizard
on 8/7/2012 4:45:06 PM
Very little knowledge about golf....OK.....nice. Mr. Lakeman... I extended to you a very real and sincere gesture to pay for your entry fee next year and you have to insult me. Seems clear to me you dwell in the world of "if I suck at something, blame it on random chance, not my lack of skill". If golf were a game of random factors dictating how well you did, how on earth would the same people always be at the top of the leaderboard? can't get much more random than a game of poker...yet time and time again the same players are at the final table. Randomness has nothing to do with success. Skill is the deciding factor. A random factor thrown at you may set you back, but it is those skilled who are able to overcome. What I assume from previous posts is that you are a classic video game player ( I have also participated at ACAM ) and now makes sense as most classic arcade games are highly predictable / pattern based games ( there used to be a small cottage industry that published the "how to beat such and such game" based on the patterns needed to win ). Nothing wrong with enjoying the "predicactable" heck, that is what most scientists cherish....but please do yourself a favor....use the same concept of "continual improvement" on your pinball game skills and leave the "random" excuse oout of it. Pinball relies on two things, ball control and point system knowledge. The second is the easy part...just takes some reading online. The first part takes a lifetime and a lot of tokens! Good luck on your journey to pinball excellence, no hard feelings, I just hope you can re-examine how you view your personal success in life and not use "random factors" or "dumb luck" as a crutch through life. Once you truely accept you are in complete control of your fate...success will run to your door.


Posts: 157
RE: Pinball Wizard
on 8/7/2012 10:06:44 PM
Brian, let me present you with some facts about myself, so you can get to know me a little bit better before you start running your mouth again.

1. I have my bachelor's degree from a respectable University in Business Administration with Dean's list honors.

2. At the age of 25, I'm running a successful business in web design and Internet marketing.

3. If you have met me at this event or any other event, I am a nice guy who gets along with most people. I am polite and every time a volunteer or employee takes my score down I thank them because I truly appreciate what they do for these events, and people who have seen me at these events can vouch for me.

Now that you know me a little bit better this is my response. I am sure no matter how good you are at Pinball, you always want to raise your scores, which is not BS because it's part of the competition. When you offered to play pins with me I showed appreciation, because I do like to have fun and socialize. I am not the type of person who will start shit for no reason. I responded to Sarah by saying people don't have to waste time responding to my posts, so once again it was just a suggestion. If making suggestions and expressing my opinion is stirring shit, than I am stirring a nice, big, steamy cauldron full of poop. I don't know how you run your business, but if I have a customer complain about their website, I try to help and fix their issues. I won't lecture them about the hours put into rewriting code and make them feel like shit for having a complaint. When you provide a product or a service, if you think that no customer will ever have a complaint, you're basically an idiot.

Rob Ross

Posts: 196
RE: Pinball Wizard
on 8/7/2012 10:19:33 PM
Robbie - I think the reference to papa by Brian was the Professional and Amateur Pinball Association and not about your dad......a quick edit to your post might be useful my friend.


Posts: 2
RE: Pinball Wizard
on 8/7/2012 10:24:08 PM
Oh god please stop! Enough!

The tournament organizers were very clear about what was provided -- 200 tokens included with registration. Your complaint that someone else told you you could earn free games is silly, because it wasn't the tournament organizers telling you that. I felt that 200 free tokens was incredibly generous, when it came along with the opportunity to win prizes.

200 tokens was plenty to play in any one of the three divisions, and each player's prize was determined by their best finish in any one division. Only players going for Grand Champion needed to play all the machines, and its winner needed to buy more tokens. More tokens to buy for a chance at $1000 or use your 200 tokens to try for up to $600. Sounds very fair to me. This invalidates your golf course analogy, because everyone had plenty of tokens to finish at least one of the golf courses, which is all that was expected.

Frankly you should have focused on one of the three tournaments and thrown your entire stack at it. You would have felt more of a sense of accomplishment and it fits with the way you described your own play (keep playing and eventually a good game comes out the other end). You'd also have a better sense of accomplishment doing well in one tournament instead of terrible in three.

Also, it was plenty possible to win with the initial set of tokens and good skill. I am guessing you won't be attending big-time pin tournaments where games are sold at 3 games for $10 or 8 for $20; but this is why the pinball circuit now has over $125,000 in prize money.

Oh well. I probably shouldn't even have posted this.

- Bowen


Posts: 157
RE: Pinball Wizard
on 8/7/2012 10:32:31 PM
Hank, I am not insulting you, but you can't pretend like you know all about golf when you don't and I even said you can correct me if Im wrong which you didn't. The same people aren't always at the top, because random factors are involved with anything. If you think randomness has absolutely nothing to do with success, you're thoughts on the subject are a little cloudy. In golf you can hit a great shot that costs you strokes and the tournament. In poker you can make the right move and still lose all your chips (I used to play online for a living, so I know a lot about poker). If you go all in with AA and someone calls with 7 2 off suit and you lose, people aren't going to tell you you lack skill. People get lucky and other people get unlucky. It happens and Im not blaming my experience all on luck. Skill and knowledge out ways luck in anything, so don't treat me like I'm not aware of it. I've been learning ball control, but knowing the point system is where I lack the most. I will continue to learn about scoring more points, and see where I can improve. The main point I made was that you pay for the same amount of money for the same amount of tokens at ACAM, but in the tournament it costed two or three times more than the games at ACAM. It didn't make sense to me and I pointed it out. At the time I felt ripped off, I said things in a way that I shouldn't have, and I apologize for that.


Posts: 157
RE: Pinball Wizard
on 8/7/2012 10:34:30 PM
It wouldn't hurt to capitalize your letters, otherwise I wouldn't have taken it that way. I own up to that mistake because I actually admit to when I screw up and that I didn't know about a certain topic. People can learn from my actions.


Posts: 157
RE: Pinball Wizard
on 8/7/2012 11:07:30 PM
Bowen, I was told by an Admin on this site about the tokens and the free games. They advertised themselves as running the tournament, but none of them were there. That is why I felt like I received false information. I have never done a pinball tournament, and I wanted to try it out. Based on the false information and my experience, I felt like I was ripped off. If I ever try this tournament again I will take your advice and just compete in one of tournaments. Most likely the ones that only cost two tokens, because the three token games and the four token mystery game turns me away.

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