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Posts: 1
RE: Pinball Wizard
on 8/5/2012 10:02:09 AM
My first post here & my first tournament. I live pretty close to PWA & just kept driving by without stopping unit about a week ago. All I can say is WOW! A great collection of pins & well maintained, This beats the beach by light-years.

As far as the tournament goes a $60 entry (pre-registered) for 200 tokens & an event shirt, how can anyone bitch about that? So far I have not been scoring as well as I had hoped & know I don't have any chance at all of winning prize money but who cares? I haven't spent 12 hours in an arcade since the early 80s! Watching some of the real competitors out class my performance has actually been pretty cool. I have also seen some techniques that I had never seen before, impressive stuff.

If I had to find something to complain about it would be that I usually need to warm-up to a game & most of the time my best scores come after 4 or 5 consecutive plays, no way to so when you have 60-70 people clamoring to play a dozen machines, It got better last night, but my scores really didn't,,,,

Would I do this again? Absolutely! Sign me up!


Posts: 80
RE: Pinball Wizard
on 8/5/2012 1:26:45 PM
Heard the pins were pretty boss. Hows the lighting? Heard it was a bit dim.


Posts: 8
RE: Pinball Wizard
on 8/5/2012 4:08:28 PM
Lighting is appropriate for play but not so bright as to cause glare issues on the glass top.


Posts: 80
RE: Pinball Wizard
on 8/5/2012 4:31:08 PM
Nice. Psyched


Posts: 8
RE: Pinball Wizard
on 8/5/2012 4:53:20 PM
For those that didn't attend....the event has been awesome! Didn't realize how high the payout was...
Grand Champ.....$1000
First place in each division.....$600
Game of the day....$50 each day
That's $4750 in total payout!
Highest registrant number I saw was 120, so a pretty handsome payback percentage of the entry fees! (Figured at the pre-registration fee of $60, that is a 66% payout).....can't wait to see everyone again next year!


Posts: 157
RE: Pinball Wizard
on 8/5/2012 11:51:46 PM
Glad to see it was a good turnout and that people enjoyed getting crushed. Hope you guys enjoy it next year, and that you dont have to buy more tokens after the first day.


Posts: 8
RE: Pinball Wizard
on 8/6/2012 12:28:15 AM
Lakeman.....why so down? 90% of the people there knew ahead of time they had no chance of winning, so being "crushed" as you call it just isn't the reality of the event. Most are there just to have fun, watch some amazing experts play, pick up a few tips and enjoy the comradery and friendship. And I can only say one thing about needing to buy more tokens so fast.....the worse you are at pinball the faster you go through tokens, so sorry if you blame your need to rebuy on the tournament instead of your lack of skill on the games. There were ten games that were three tokens and twenty nine that took two. Doing the math, one full round would need 88 tokens. That gives you two plays per table plus 8 - 12 more plays depending on which you played just from the tokens given to you upon entering. If you felt you could "buy" yourself to first place by playing the tables over and over and over...I revert to my "lack of skill" would be like one of us entering the Olympic marathon only to blame the event for making the race "so darn long" instead of admitting we aren't that good. I, along with many others, had a great time participating in such a well run isn't about the win...but the journey.


Posts: 157
RE: Pinball Wizard
on 8/6/2012 1:13:00 AM
I'm not down if you read my previous post. I had fun and Pinball Wizard is a great place. The people were nice and the pins were in great shape. And yes I did the math and by the looks of it you have a few chances on each machine to put up scores. You need more than that for anything else you do especially in pinball where you need to learn the games and there is true randomness involved. And once again if you read my post I am not blaming anything on the tournament because I know Im not an elite pinball player and that I wouldnt win. I was convinced to try it under false information about this tournament by a salesman and I believed that paying for a three day tournament would last for all three days. If raising your hand for five minutes to post a score because of the shortage of volunteers and poor planning is your definition of a well run event, then it was well done. I am just expressing my thoughts and opinions based on my experience at the tournament and I am sorry that I didnt realize its not allowed.

Rob Ross

Posts: 196
RE: Pinball Wizard
on 8/6/2012 9:08:15 AM
Robbie voicing his opinion is hopefully going to make things better next time.

His bringing attention to the short comings of that event is meant to help it, not to knock it. Was the event perfect? Of course not. So let's discuss some ideas in a positive, creative way.

And I bet Sarah will strive to make the pinball tourney even better next year. I met her this weekend and she truly cares about her customers and definitely her machines. I'm gonna post a separate thread on this when I get home from Funspot, have a shower and clean out my car/hotel room.


Posts: 9
RE: Pinball Wizard
on 8/6/2012 10:54:22 AM
Kypinman I agree. Rob go back and read every post from Lakeman it was negative right from the begining from buying tokens, hearing about people all ready buyimng tokens, to not having a chance of winning. I didn't read anything to possitive. And the complaint about waiting five minutes to log your score I was there all weekend and did not wait more than two minutes except when a machine malfunctioned and would not give my score. There were six or seven people at most times collecting scores which was fine. Another issue not realized by the general public is that when aurcade was updating it basically paused and froze the ipads. If the score taker was trying to enter a score at the same time the score takers had to reboot the ipad. You could have twenty people keeping score and that would not change. On the lack of tokens that is because some people are selfish and greedy. I played all weekend and did not have to purchase more tokens. My only complaint was the ignorant players who didn't care that other people were waiting for the machine that thay were playing and kept funneling tokens into the machine regardless of how many people were waiting. I friend of mine said the same thing on Saturday " oh I all ready spend an extra 60 bucks on tokens". I asked why is that going to change how well you do? You are the level of player you are and pumping twenty bucks into a machine is not going to make you a better player. It is not the Arcades fault that you are the level of player you are and that you have the misconception that you have a chance of coming in first place. Playing that way makes it a game of chance instead of a game of skill. I played my tokens, I didn't buy any more, and I came in 41th over all, I think that is pretty good for someone who doesn't play that serious that often. If you read any of my post from the past it is easy to be in the cheap seats giving suggestions on how to run an event. Be realistic and understand that there is a lot that goes on behind putting one of these on. Yes it would be nice having twenty people taking score and ten techs to fix broken machines but these are employees and get paid. it is expensive to hire extra people and have them legal for one day. There is tons that goes on in putting one of these on and the prep work is daunting. Sarah and her crew did a great job putting this on and deserve possitive recognition for their work instead of people trying to make it better. Sometimes hearing how it could be better can be a real PITA and becomes negative real fast. Let the dust settle and give it a few days before ripping the event apart. This is the second year for pinwiz. Sarah was very active on the floor and I am sure she recognizes there there are issues and will make them better next year. Personally I would like to thank Sarah and her staff for the great job that they did. The machines and staff put up with 35 hours of grueling torture from over 100 tired pinheads and survived. Job well done and I hope that you will continue the effort put forward to make this event happen. Again you all did a great job and your efforts are greatly appreciated by many.


Posts: 157
RE: Pinball Wizard
on 8/6/2012 1:50:05 PM
You're only looking at the negative things I said throughout this whole thread. I said many positive things about the people and the arcade. I paid for a product and if I am not satisfied with it, I have a right to point out faults and make suggestions. I paid for a three day tournament and it lasted only one day, so I felt that I didn't get what I paid for. Suggestions help people who run the tournament improve for future events, because like Rob said no event is perfect and they can always improve. I am happy for you that you enjoyed the tournament and didn't have to buy more tokens, but that is not the case for everyone. I doubt I will be back for next year, because it isn't worth the money in my opinion and I'm sorry if that offends anyone. Excellent job getting 41th place this year and not 41st.


Posts: 9
RE: Pinball Wizard
on 8/6/2012 3:47:32 PM
My opinion to your post is you knew what you were getting for tokens, you knew what the time frame was, You know how good or bad you play ( still not the arcades fault because you need many warm ups on each machine before you can play a real game ). No one had your arm behind your back or forced you to to register or even go, again you read what was included before you put up the 60 bucks and registered. Nowhere did I read that we will provide you with tokens until you get a good score or provide you with tokens to last the weekend. Your post came off like they are screwing you because the games are not set on free play and you " Have to buy more tokens" to last the weekend which is not the case. You have every right to voice your opinion but expect that people are going to agree or disagree with your opinion. I am also sorry you did not have a good time or you were unsatisfied.


Posts: 157
RE: Pinball Wizard
on 8/6/2012 4:54:46 PM
Once again, you need to read things. I said I had fun and the place was nice along with the people. A majority of my thoughts are that I did have a good time, but the minority felt like I didn't get what I paid for. Im not expecting the pins to be on free play, but maybe set them to one token a game. And once again if you read things I was sold on the fact that free games would be racked up by previous players, so it seemed like it made sense about the amount of tokens. That was not the case and I felt mislead based on that information. And ONCE again if you READ things I am not blaming the arcade. I am blaming this site who ran the tournament when they don't have people who run it attend while the arcade scrambles to find volunteers to take scores. I want this tournament to improve and be successful in the future, but before you do that you need to look back on what was done right and what could be better not only for the tournament but for the players as well. If you don't try to continuously improve any event you run year after year it's likely to get worse or stay the same at best. You have every right to disagree, but don't try to convince people that any event is perfect.


Posts: 4
RE: Pinball Wizard
on 8/6/2012 7:39:55 PM
Robbie, I'm not too sure of your expectations or "mislead" of our tournament, I follow PAPA tournament rules for the pinball machines that include- no free balls where available, no game matches, no buy-ins, no replays, and set to tournament settings where available. And, I'm not sure how you can blame Aurcade scoring as they did a wonderful job of technical support during the tournament (which was transparent to the players) and the initial set-up of the games in each tournament. As an arcade, we utilize their system for scoring, there is no need for them to be present during the tournament. We placed a record number of 5581 scores during the 35 hour event, 39 pinball machines, which equates to an average 2.66 scores per minute! I know my feet hurt after 14 hours each day of repairs and taking scores. And many thanks to my staff for their dedication and long work hours. That's a lot of scores for the 6 employees (not volunteers) to log in with the iPads.

If you would like to discuss more, feel free to stop by the arcade. Sarah


Posts: 157
RE: Pinball Wizard
on 8/6/2012 8:28:02 PM
Thank you Sarah for replying and you were great and I have nothing but great things to say about your arcade. I don't think you exactly understand my point. I don't blame the Aurcade scoring system I know it based on competing in classic gaming. I was thinking about trying the tournament for the fun and experience, but I was hesitant based on the amount of tokens you receive for registration and how many tokens each game costs. For someone who doesn't play pins often and likes to take the time to learn and figure out each game, it is unrealistic to learn each game and put up good scores based on the amount of tokens given. The same amount of tokens are given at ACAM for the same price, but they are all one token games which give you more attempts to learn and figure out the games. I was convinced by an Admin on Aurcade to play based on the fact that free games can be racked up which in theory would save tokens. That was not the case and that's why I felt mislead. I just wanted to make a suggestion and I hope you are not offended by my comments.


Posts: 4
RE: Pinball Wizard
on 8/6/2012 9:21:51 PM
Hi Robbie, I'm not offended and always favor constructive feedback. ACAM (BTW- I am a board member) and The Pinball Wizard Arcade offer two different types of tournaments. Their tournament is video game based and the one you entered this weekend is Pinball based. Pinball machines are far more expensive to maintain and prepare for a tournament compared with video games. At The Pinball Wizard Arcade all Pinball Machines are 2 or 3 tokens and video games are 1 token. When we hold our video game tournament in November, all the video games will be 1 token to play. Sarah


Posts: 157
RE: Pinball Wizard
on 8/6/2012 10:05:38 PM
So based on the information you presented the fact that pins are more expensive to prepare for a tournament, the token amounts for each game, and the amount of tokens you receive when you register for the tournament, it sounds like you want participants to run out of tokens and buy more during the tournament. Am I right?


Posts: 58
RE: Pinball Wizard
on 8/6/2012 11:06:24 PM
Buisness dares to make money, news at eleven. ;)

Hope the dates for the video tourney drop soon, couldn't make it for the pinball but maybe november will work out.


Posts: 157
RE: Pinball Wizard
on 8/7/2012 9:45:36 AM
Thanks Martin for validating my point. I will be hosting a three day golf tournament that is 54 holes, and will cost 60 dollars. When you step up to the first hole I will tell you that if you dont at least par the hole, you have to pay a dollar to keep playing, otherwise you have to forfeit. But you have to play all 54 holes to qualify. Let's see if everyone can qualify and if there are no complaints.


Posts: 8
RE: Pinball Wizard
on 8/7/2012 10:45:20 AM
Lakeman....I think you are missing the point when it comes to gameplay. You are alluding to the fact you can "buy your way" to a better fact this is why the golf industry is so profitable. Golfers constantly think "if I just go buy that new driver with the new whiz bang club head I will shave three strokes off my score". When in reality you could hand Tiger Woods a persimmon driver and he would still beat most everyone. This is a tournament of skill....not luck or learning. Learning is otherwise called "practice" and is best done outside a tournament. If you took 39 pinball games the world has never seen before, the same players would be at the top of the scoreboard regardless of how many times everyone played them. Skill is something you come TO a tournament WITH, not develop at it. I agree you said you had fun, but where I had issue is that you were placing blame where it wasn't deserved or justified. As a gesture of good will and sportsmanship I will offer to "sponsor" you in next years tournament if you in kind will make the commitment to "practice" between now and then and give your review of your experience once you have more skill. To use your golf example....just assume the tournament is like a golf course you have never been to before and get just one try isn't about learning the course, but is all a out the skills your bring to it. Best regards and hope to hear from you.

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