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Posts: 103
Aurcade forum requests
on 10/19/2011 12:15:28 PM
So, the more I think about it the more I dont want to have to start over. I like Aurcade, I like the vision, I like the fact that the owner is an uber geek not afraid of new technology. That said, lets fix the stuff we dont like about it (because David CAN and WILL do it for US. Using David hand made forums allows us easy access to feature and functionality changes not available anywhere else really.

I'll start the list.

1. There is no continuity between the right side bar and the main forum window. Things dont line up, different colors, different seperator bar thicknesses etc...

2. Only 5 recent post notifications. This isnt an issue when there are so few posts but its a feature I think everyone at cagdc uses to see at a glance whats going on.

3 The live streams section is gone once you go into the forums section.

4 I HATE the purple starfield that makes up the side bars. This IMO is a waste of space that could be used for something better or just filled with the standard forums content.

5 We dont really have any moderators so I dont know how the moderation works, maybe Chris can help with some of those features as he's been involved in moderation forums before.

6 Maybe more of the BBCODES could be iconized as well as some of the common emoticons selectable.

7 No email notifications of threads we are subscribed to or have posted in.

Thats it for now, maybe you guys have some more ideas or want to shoot some of mine down?

Steve W

Posts: 157
RE: Aurcade forum requests
on 10/19/2011 12:28:09 PM
"Game of the moment" widget similar to what the front page of KLOV has, Ability to link a forum thread to that game to facilitate new discussions/game discussions. Consists of only games listed in the Aurcade db.


Posts: 664
RE: Aurcade forum requests
on 10/19/2011 5:32:13 PM
Steve W Wrote:
"Game of the moment" widget similar to what the front page of KLOV has, Ability to link a forum thread to that game to facilitate new discussions/game discussions. Consists of only games listed in the Aurcade db.
I often get messages asking me to put a certain game in the database "just because it exists". While I do agree people do need to know the game exists, I don't want to spend hours on end adding games to the database that nobody has seen anywhere in a long time.

Me personally, we have arcade games linked to KLOV, but I'd like to see pinball games linked to IPDB instead. It is far more detailed for pinball machines. There's a pinball museum in Maryland that does this to their list of games. Maybe have an IPDB field grayed out unless I click on the pinball box.

That outer space sidebar doesn't bother me, and makes me think they are there to accommodate computers that maybe have resolution issues or netbooks or something like that... maybe even handhelds.

Strange, I never get notified of new forum threads or replies to my thread. Only time I get notified is if someone messages me directly (which does happen).

I agree, I like this page and people I meet like this page. It's a great thing Dave has put together and I'm proud to be a part of it. I like the fact that the database had 5000 games and 400 locations when I joined this site two years ago. That's my contribution. :)

Steve W

Posts: 157
RE: Aurcade forum requests
on 10/20/2011 7:25:07 AM
Yeah, for my widget suggestion for Aurcade's game of the day, linked to a discussion post where people could talk to gameplay tips, etc, I was suggesting only using Aurcade db games since otherwise you'd get a lot of unwanted returns from KLOV like EM games, ancient parlor games, redemption and the like. Also if the focus of Ken's revamp initiative is strictly classics, further limit the query to pre-1987 or something along those lines.


Posts: 103
RE: Aurcade forum requests
on 10/20/2011 9:53:21 AM
We're talkin classics.


Posts: 55
RE: Aurcade forum requests
on 10/20/2011 1:35:06 PM
Scoundrel: but MR. Driller is in many ways a classic...(direct sequel to Dig Dug, plays like a classic game and scores like and sounds like a classic game.)...And from what I've seen around a bit easier to find than games like dig dug2 or jumping jack.

sid seattle


Posts: 65
RE: Aurcade forum requests
on 10/20/2011 4:54:53 PM
Scoundrl Wrote:
4 I HATE the purple starfield that makes up the side bars. This IMO is a waste of space that could be used for something better or just filled with the standard forums content.

I'm guessing it's to go with a minimum 1024x768 resolution. My old PC has that, and I maybe see 2 or 3 pixels wide of the purple starfield on either side. On my laptop, with 1280x800, I see a couple inches of it on either side.

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