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Posts: 103
Battle of the Arcades 2 results
on 3/11/2013 9:24:59 PM
I want to personally thank all the participants in this years 'Battle of the Arcades'. We had some great competition and speaking for the West Coast team, we had a blast and are already looking forward to BOTA 3.

Chris Mansfield posted some pictures HERE.

I posted some results HERE. Check it out, a lot of data for you geeks who are into that stuff!

Steve W

Posts: 157
RE: Battle of the Arcades 2 results
on 3/11/2013 10:08:53 PM
Nice. George took some pics of our team as well. I'm wearing a baseball cap.


Posts: 79
RE: Battle of the Arcades 2 results
on 3/12/2013 10:00:23 AM
Great event guys. Sad I couldn't be there this year but it was a blast watching. I was blown away at the number of people putting up such big scores on so many games. Nice to see people playing a bunch of different classics and becoming world class at them.


Posts: 103
RE: Battle of the Arcades 2 results
on 3/12/2013 11:52:09 AM
We missed you Johnbart! EZE was sadly not able to make it either, maybe next year!?!?

I am actually pretty surprised with the lack of online attention this event has seen this year. 35 players, 12 classics, multiple multiple world record holders going head to head... Oh well, more for us ;-)


Posts: 79
RE: Battle of the Arcades 2 results
on 3/12/2013 12:58:24 PM
If I'm not back in the PNW by that time next year I will work on getting a European team to show up. :)

I really do think this format is the best thing going right now. It gets a bunch of gamers involved on a bunch of different games. I know I'm interested in actually learning how to play Pac Jr. now just after watching the streams. There's no reason that this won't continue to grow. Keep up the good work!


Posts: 31
RE: Battle of the Arcades 2 results
on 3/12/2013 3:47:37 PM
I didn't do as well this time compared to last year -- hell, I didn't even qualify for my team this year -- but I didn't think I'd be able to make this event so I didn't practice at all, and this year was largely games I had played very little before or not at all. I think I'm most proud of my 11th place finish (out of 35 players) on Pole Position II, a game I had played maybe twice before in my life. Also finished 11th on Phoenix, which is a minor miracle. And I was right in the middle of the pack on Hyper Sports, a game I had never even seen played much less played myself. Every new event on that game was a surprise to me. What's it gonna be now? Oh, skeet shooting! lol

Was also stoked to more than double my personal bests on both Dig Dug and Phoenix. Phoenix was this year's red-headed step child, the brunt of jokes about how people were forced to play it. ("No one has ever said before now, 'Stop hogging the Phoenix machine.'" lol!) I think Phoenix is just misunderstood. Actually, I think people bagged on Donkey Kong Junior a lot harder, now that I think about it.

Disappointed I didn't do better on Elevator Action. I didn't even reach half of my personal best on that one. And holy shit am I bad at Missile Command.

I think I had even more fun this time than at last year's event. My only complaint is that it's over so quickly! Wish we could do 4-5 hours on Friday night as well. I feel like we had less visiting time this year with everyone working so hard at putting up scores. I think minimizing the number of 1-hour games is a smart move.


Posts: 39
RE: Battle of the Arcades 2 results
on 3/12/2013 6:28:06 PM
SanTe Wrote:
And holy shit am I bad at Missile Command.

I think I had even more fun this time than at last year's event. My only complaint is that it's over so quickly! Wish we could do 4-5 hours on Friday night as well. I feel like we had less visiting time this year with everyone working so hard at putting up scores. I think minimizing the number of 1-hour games is a smart move.

Haha, you did much better than I would've Chris! Not bad overall seeing as how you ranked three on your team according to Aurcade: You also put up a good score on one of my favorites with Millipede. Oh, say, are you in the photo Ken uploaded, and if so, which person are you?

I was one of many who watched the streams over the course of the tournament when I could. At Galloping Ghost Arcade, we have seven of the twelve games, and as discussed in the 2/18/13 podcast (, we're not big on emulators. In the spirit of things though, I sought to put up some scores on Aurcade in support of those who competed. I did this before the weekend, as my aunt's family came to visit for about a week. Still haven't gotten around to every game that I'm able to though.

Great efforts this past weekend everyone! Which arcade won out of the three Ken?



Posts: 103
RE: Battle of the Arcades 2 results
on 3/12/2013 6:42:35 PM
Hey Duc. The final results are linked in the first post in this thread. Aurcade lists the rankings backward in the site tournament page so if you are going by that then read it from bottom to top.

The link i posted has all the stats you'll want to see listed in top down order.

Our location won a good battle with Richies and Pinball Wizards came up a little short but I suspect they will do better next time with more players onboard sooner so they can play the games before the contest.

We allow emulation on a few games to widen the prospective field of locations. We could pic fewer games but thats not really what we are after, we want as many games as we can squeeze in at as many locations as can participate. If Doc can bring in 100% of the list in original hardware thats awesome but its beyond the means of most of the game rooms that have expressed interest. As for quality of emulation, we would not let anything in that did not emulate properly (no missile command with a mouse for example) so I dont believe it has played even a marginal role in the outcome of the event.



Posts: 115
RE: Battle of the Arcades 2 results
on 3/12/2013 7:29:36 PM
Hah, look at me in the background still grinding it out on Phoenix even after the contest was over. Sometimes, you just can't let the game win. Also it was good practice for the upcoming Crap Tournament.

Already looking forward to next year, and this time I'm practicing! It is a huge disadvantage to waste time learning the games during the contest.

West Coast!

P.S. Having GG participate next year would be great.

Steve W

Posts: 157
RE: Battle of the Arcades 2 results
on 3/12/2013 9:21:00 PM
I'm excited for Ken to do ALL the legwork in the all of BOTA vs MAME challenge yet to come, I'm flying out to Kencade to play for sure. :)


Posts: 103
RE: Battle of the Arcades 2 results
on 3/13/2013 12:01:45 AM
I'll starting workin on it soon!

Arcade all stars VS MAME should be fun!


Posts: 9
RE: Battle of the Arcades 2 results
on 3/13/2013 6:11:26 PM
Ken, how is BOTA scored? Is it:

1- the sum of the ranks of the top 8 players on each team (as you have on your website)


2- the sum of the ranks of the top 8 players on each game for each team (it seems like the aurcade website does it that way)?

I noticed my ranks are different on the websites that's why I was wondering. It affects strategy a little bit too.


Posts: 103
RE: Battle of the Arcades 2 results
on 3/13/2013 7:03:10 PM
It is scored like this...

We use a golf style ranked scoring system were 1st place on a title gets 1 point, second gets 2 and so on then...

Top 8 players from each team in terms of lowest total rank score are then ranked 1-24 (or however many teams there are X 8 players) on each title vs the other teams overall top 8. Lowest total ranked score wins.

The Aurcade system did not drop the players that ranked below 8th place on their respective teams before it tallied the totals.

The way the spreadsheet I put together lays it out is the proper way. You have to make your team for your scores to count in the tournament, so overall, while Perry had the highest score on Galaxian, his scores on all games including Galaxian didnt count because his overall performance kept him from placing in the top 8 on the West Coast team.

This scoring method does a few things. It allows us to invite as many players as we want to participate but keeps us from having 'specialists' clobber a few titles and not put up scores on the other games. It keeps the team member count the same on all teams in the end as well. It also encourages us to do our best on all titles because one last place score can really hurt your overall ranking.


Posts: 9
RE: Battle of the Arcades 2 results
on 3/13/2013 9:18:45 PM
I like that system. It prevents specialists as you say and more importantly every team member is important. Whether or not you beat Don on Dig Dug is just as important as whether or not I beat Ross on Mappy.

Steve W

Posts: 157
RE: Battle of the Arcades 2 results
on 3/14/2013 9:44:32 PM
It's a genius system for this format!


Posts: 115
RE: Battle of the Arcades 2 results
on 3/15/2013 2:51:23 AM
I'd like to see a summary of team scores by game, but I'm not going to do it.


Posts: 103
RE: Battle of the Arcades 2 results
on 3/15/2013 10:57:39 AM
I posted some results HERE.

If you look down the page to the individual team scores, each game has a score and next to the score is the rank for that score for that player on that game. Its not sorted by that rank but you can see it.

I didnt want that thing to turn into 50 pages so I didnt do a sort by team by player by game sort, just the overall by game...


Posts: 9
RE: Battle of the Arcades 2 results
on 3/15/2013 12:31:17 PM
I think Ross means how each team against each other on a specific game. For instance I bet Kencade kicked butt on Alpine Ski or Knucklez kicked butt on Elevator Action etc.


Posts: 103
RE: Battle of the Arcades 2 results
on 3/15/2013 3:39:50 PM
Ok, I updated the page, now were the overall winner is there is also team points per game. You will have to reload the page to get the new data...



Posts: 115
RE: Battle of the Arcades 2 results
on 3/15/2013 5:36:55 PM
Yeah that's the stuff, thanks Ken.

In this format, whenever one team can dominate the top ten of a specific game it severely punishes the other teams. I might have guessed that was going to happen for the Kencade on Galaxian and Missile Command, but the point gaps on PP2 and Pac Jr. come as a big surprise.

Edited to clarify: Kencade performing well on Galaxian and MC wasn't a surprise because the majority of the team just naturally plays and enjoys those games, whereas I don't think the same can be said for PP2 or Pac Jr.

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