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Forums  Site News  Eric Akeson takes over as Head of Officiating for Aurcade!
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Posts: 132
Eric Akeson takes over as Head of Officiating for Aurcade!
on 8/3/2010 8:07:13 PM
Welcome Eric! Glad to have you on board.

I drank WHAT!?! - Socrates

Posts: 115
RE: Eric Akeson takes over as Head of Officiating for Aurcade!
on 8/3/2010 8:46:22 PM
Thank you Eric, both for your devotion to our hobby and just for being a kick-ass dude.

Steve W

Posts: 157
RE: Eric Akeson takes over as Head of Officiating for Aurcade!
on 8/3/2010 9:09:01 PM
Welcome to the club :)


Posts: 664
RE: Eric Akeson takes over as Head of Officiating for Aurcade!
on 8/3/2010 10:24:30 PM
We're glad to have you on board. Hopefully we can get my neck of the woods up and running with some scores now.


Posts: 61
RE: Eric Akeson takes over as Head of Officiating for Aurcade!
on 8/4/2010 2:26:03 AM
I wanna be like Eric.

Couldn't have picked a better guy


Posts: 9
RE: Eric Akeson takes over as Head of Officiating for Aurcade!
on 8/5/2010 12:19:20 AM
i've been putting off signing up for an account for a while now, but seeing their scoring system at Funspot and now with Eric heading up the officiating, i couldn't not sign up!


Posts: 6
RE: Eric Akeson takes over as Head of Officiating for Aurcade!
on 8/5/2010 2:08:38 PM
Thanks for the kind words gents.

Submission guidelines and instructions will be posted on the main site in the next couple of weeks.....

Warm up those cam-corders and vcr's! :)

Happy Gaming,



Posts: 1
RE: Eric Akeson takes over as Head of Officiating for Aurcade!
on 8/5/2010 3:47:39 PM
Congrats Eric. I look forward to your oversight...


Posts: 54
RE: Eric Akeson takes over as Head of Officiating for Aurcade!
on 8/10/2010 2:48:42 PM
Eric, great to have you here! congrats on the position!

it was great to meet you. I have only met great people from aurcade. I am so happy to be here with this group and I am so happy that I am an official. I just want to use my powers soon and verify some scores and hopefully someone can do the same for me.


Posts: 3
RE: Eric Akeson takes over as Head of Officiating for Aurcade!
on 9/3/2010 12:04:27 AM
Congrats E

I can't think of anyone better suited for it.

I look forward to the future of Aurcade.

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Forums  Site News  Eric Akeson takes over as Head of Officiating for Aurcade!