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Posts: 157
This Year's ACAM Tournament
on 6/5/2012 11:56:41 AM
I just wanted to say I had a lot of fun this past tournament meeting a lot of new people and seeing a few familiar faces. Everyone was nice and fun to talk to which made playing these games fun, which is the way it should be. The games in my opinion were better than last year's along with the additional changes made. I look forward to seeing everyone in the future and to keep classic gaming going strong.

Steve W

Posts: 157
RE: This Year's ACAM Tournament
on 6/5/2012 12:45:43 PM
Was a pleasure meeting you as well. I look forward to seeing more of your high score progress/world records in the Classic gaming community.


Posts: 13
RE: This Year's ACAM Tournament
on 6/6/2012 6:02:58 PM
I had a great time myself. Good to see steve is still the man even though the man was missing for about 10 minutes. Let me know when you start the rally-x deconstruction project.



Posts: 61
RE: This Year's ACAM Tournament
on 6/7/2012 8:29:07 PM
I had a blast. I got in on Tuesday night to late to go to FS though. I got to talk to some
more people this year than I did the previous years. There just isn't enough time to
play in the tourney and socialize at the same time for me at least. I'm already looking
forward to next year. Battling it out with Nelson and Sao Pedro on the final two days
was great fun. Did candle pin bowling on Wed, went to Pinball Wizard on Mon, and mostly just hung out at FS.


Posts: 157
RE: This Year's ACAM Tournament
on 6/8/2012 2:23:04 AM
I really want to put more time into Space Encounters. It's a fun game and I'd like to see how high I can get my score.

Steve W

Posts: 157
RE: This Year's ACAM Tournament
on 6/8/2012 7:17:09 AM
drdreaddr Wrote:
I had a great time myself. Good to see steve is still the man even though the man was missing for about 10 minutes. Let me know when you start the rally-x deconstruction project.


The project has begun, myself and another scientist have begun our study, he is much moreso the man than I, I do tend to go missing usually when drinking :)

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Forums   General Discussion  This Year's ACAM Tournament
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Steve Thornock
Jay Stacel