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Posts: 116
on 5/10/2012 1:08:00 AM
My initial scores, but I think I forgot to play the pig game so far...

Botanic - 47,200 (1st attempt)
Disco - 6040 (1st attempt)
Fantasy - 48,020 (3rd attempt...damn pirate ship !!)
I'm Sorry - 55,139 (2nd attempt)
King and Balloon - 30,250 (1st attempt)
Rip Cord - 6,070 (5th attempt...I like this one)
Safari - 5,800 (2nd attempt)
Gladiator - 8,400 (2nd attempt)
Up'n Down - 118,590 (1st attempt)
Warp Warp - 16,260 (1st attempt)
YoYo - 10,440 (1st attempt)


Posts: 84
on 5/10/2012 10:26:10 AM
Making highlight clips, will post some scores in about 15 minutes. I'm pressed for time, so I'll update the spreadsheet when I get back in a few hours.


Posts: 116
on 5/10/2012 4:33:05 PM
I remember playing "Fantasy" in the arcade many years back and something in MAME is I took a look at what YouTube has to offer and found it....voices !!

From the very beginning to the natives sounding restless, listen to it here...


Posts: 229
Mystery Title: 11pm
on 5/10/2012 6:18:02 PM
Just a reminder that the mystery title will be announced in just under 5 hours.


Posts: 39
on 5/10/2012 10:22:31 PM
Robert Wrote:
I remember playing "Fantasy" in the arcade many years back and something in MAME is I took a look at what YouTube has to offer and found it....voices !!

From the very beginning to the natives sounding restless, listen to it here...

That's because you're missing the samples file for the game. Google for the samples and put them in MAME's \samples subdirectory, and those goofy voices are there. "blurrrguhguhughughgg"


Posts: 229
Mystery Title!!!
on 5/10/2012 10:53:10 PM
This year's mystery title is:

Hard Head

Demo Sounds: Off
Bonus Life: No Bonus
Coinage: 1 coin/1 credit
Invulnerability (Cheat): Off
Flip Screen: Off
Cabinet: Upright
Play Together: No
Lives: 2 <--- that's right, only 2
Difficulty: Easiest


Posts: 116
on 5/11/2012 2:08:18 AM
Bill, just wanted to say thanks for the selections and for throwing another wave of crap in our direction :)


Posts: 116
on 5/11/2012 2:22:25 AM
Qualified !!

Botanic - 56,800 (3rd attempt)
Disco - 6,040 (1st attempt)
Fantasy - 48,020 (3rd attempt...damn pirate ship !!)
Hard Head - 37,000 (1st attempt)
I'm Sorry - 105,375 (4th attempt)
King and Balloon - 30,250 (1st attempt)
Pig Newton - 58.950 (1st attempt)
Rip Cord - 6,070 (5th attempt...I like this one)
Safari - 8,200 (3rd attempt)
Gladiator - 8,400 (2nd attempt)
Up'n Down - 118,590 (1st attempt)
Warp Warp - 16,260 (1st attempt)
YoYo - 10,440 (1st attempt)


Posts: 84
on 5/13/2012 1:45:12 PM
Hoping to get one more crap session in before midnight, but it may not be in the cards for me. Either way, it's been great fun crapping it up with y'all!


Posts: 79
on 5/14/2012 11:04:36 AM
I didn't get to play as much as I'd have liked but another great tourney of Crap! I think I actually like RipCord. That game has some potential although still extremely annoying.

Thanks to Bill for organizing and congrats to everyone who participated.


Posts: 84
on 5/14/2012 11:29:15 AM
I wanted to ask for the tourney to be extended another day or two, but I probably wouldn't get a chance to stream again anyway. Just a tough time for me to get the streaming action going with any regularity right now.

Just a suggestion for when CT5 rolls around, maybe make it go for longer. I figure the marathon crappers will max out their scores after a week anyway, and having the extra time will give those of us who haven't figured out how to keep life from getting in the way a chance to catch up. May could be crap month!

Steve W

Posts: 157
on 5/14/2012 1:04:53 PM
I also would have liked to participate much more than I had a chance to. Real life kinda gets in the way, what a drag!

In any event, of course, the game I thought I would dig the most in the bunch has the biggest leeching problem, lol. I figured that out by accident one night just trying to clear a path and was like "awww man".

Anyways, the best part about the tourney for me is checking out all the streaming going on every night of various different crap games and chatting with everyone as well. Late night jtv really gets a boost from this thing and that's always cool to see.

Congrats to all. I hope to increase my participation next go round as well to wallow in more crapulence.



Posts: 79
on 5/14/2012 1:23:02 PM
I can't imagine that anyone wants to be looking at these games for a month :) Sometimes real life doesn't match up with our gaming desires but c'est la vie. There's always next year.


Posts: 229
Thanks Everyone!!!
on 5/14/2012 4:28:47 PM
I'd like to thank everyone for another great Crap Tournament. I apologize for not being able to be more involved this year, but I couldn't help it.

Thanks to everyone for pitching in with scoring this year. It was a huge help.

Congrats to Matt Hall, our new Crap Tournament Champion!!!

Great job to everyone who streamed some crappy goodness this past week. Stay tuned for a special challenge in the not to distant future.


Posts: 23
on 5/14/2012 8:45:03 PM
What Matt won .... I thought i was in with a chance lol. Good one matt mate well done . who was second.

allen staal


Posts: 23
on 5/14/2012 8:47:27 PM
Yer steve it does the same for me , but when you go back onto you stream page , it is there. after i have played a game its not there but when i go into it again its there. i hope this helps.

allen if not unlucky lol ....


Posts: 116
on 5/14/2012 9:59:58 PM
Wow, that was a TIGHT top three finish !!

Congrats to the winner as this was a hard-fought victory to be sure.

Now we must all sit back and anxiously await a fifth round of crap !!



Posts: 84
on 5/14/2012 11:26:27 PM
Lol Allen what are you talking about?

So I've been thinking about the leeching thing, and I feel like I came to a better understanding of the issue today. First off, I want to call "legal leeching" a Cheesefest, to differentiate it from illegal leeching. I'm borrowing the term from when I used to play fighting games. In Street Fighter II for instance, when someone uses the throw over and over against their opponent, we called that a cheesefest. I thought the term could apply equally well to what is considered legal leeching. While I feel the cheesefest kills the spirit of the game, it may or may not be in the spirit of tournament competition. I say may or may not, because it is a decision made at the discretion of the referee. In the last Funspot Tournament, there was a game called Tiger Road. At some point someone figured out a spot where you can do a cheesefest in the game, and therefore everyone had to do the cheesefest if they wanted to keep up. Since the game was not removed from the tournament, the cheesefest was accepted as part of the competition in that case. If the ref in a tournament decides it's allowed, I will have to do the cheesefest.

Personally I'm not a fan of a cheesefest. I feel it is exploiting a technically legal loophole, usually involves repeating something relatively simple to do ad neauseum, and kills the spirit of the game. The exception for me is Ghosts n Goblins. There is that one spot in the cave where you do the cheesefest, run the clock down, go to the half way mark to reset the clock, go back and cheesefest for another minute or two, then move on. It's limited to that one spot, and the rest of the game is challenging enough, that I don't feel the spirit of the game is killed. But I know this is a personal thing, others may disagree with my tolerance for the GnG cheesefest spot. Also, the first time I figure out a spot in a game where I can do a cheesefest, it can be fun. And I may even play the game some more, to perfect the newly discovered cheesefest. But before too long, the spirit does get sucked out, and the game loses my interest. Kangaroo, for example.

I'm thinking this is another reason why I don't like Junior. From what I've seen, the spark boards are a total cheesefest. There's a thread over at Mark's board recently, about situations in games that you have a name for. I was going to post about what I'm calling the cheesefest, but since CAGDC is home for the DKjr fanclub, I'm sure my post would be misunderstood as a personal attack on poor junior, so I decided against it. Plus I don't want to rain on George's 1.3M point parade. It's a great score, I don't need to post something that unintentionally takes the wind out of the sails.

All criticism of junior aside, I recently watched a youtube video by MarkyD, because it was time for me to learn how to do the spark board, and I have to say I learned a ton of great stuff, cool tips and tricks I'd never seen just watching him play the vine board. Pretty cool to see someone display a level of artistry on any game. Too bad the spark board is a total cheesefest. :D

Anyway, that's that. Just one more thing: I want to thank Sector Administrator Dave and Aurcade for everything. And Bill for the crap. And congrats to Matt the champ!


Posts: 39
on 5/15/2012 1:40:32 AM
Thanks guys! It is an honor to be inducted into the Crap Hall of Fame. It wasn't easy either, Zerst and Jeff provided some very strong competition. I basically played for almost 6 hours straight on the last day desperately trying to make any score increases I could.

I want to echo George's sentiments on two things - first of all, I do think the tournament should be longer. One week is not much time for 13 games obviously, and it's understandable when people don't get to participate in all the games as much as they would like. Some people didn't even manage to play all the games and qualify.

Secondly, the leeching on I'm Sorry... yep, I'm in 100% agreement, it was ridiculous. I was really hoping the leeching would be banned, but I guess it would be kinda in bad form to impose new rules midway through a tournament (another advantage of having a longer timeframe). There's practically no skill involved in it once you know how to group the enemies into that corner where you just get to wail on them over and over for points. I think a better system for this game would have been scoring the game by levels cleared, THEN breaking ties with points. People could still try to leech if they wanted to but would be forced to clear the level on that life since you don't want to lose lives early. I had a game that got to round 10 or so, and the score was only half of the score I got just doing the stage 5 leechfest. Silly.

It's sad too because I think I'm Sorry is definitely one of the "better" games chosen, when the whole leeching thing is disregarded. The Electric Yo-Yo definitely took me by surprise, it's actually kinda fun once you figure out how to properly play the game. But then again I did always play way too greedy on the first stage and would end up dying and restarting immediately. Ah well.


Posts: 116
on 5/15/2012 11:39:53 AM
Part of the problem that I had to deal with many years back was determining when this "cheesing" was allowed, and when it was to be DQ'd.

The answer was usually simple. In limited duration (time-based, life-based) titles, it was generally alowed unless the means of doing so defeated the spirit of the program. An example of where in such a game this was disallowed was "Crazy Taxi" long as you stayed within the drop-off area you could perform a certain backdrift maneuver and rack up "Crazy Thru" proximity points rapidly and max out the bonus meter, thus defeating the purpose of the passenger timer.

In titles with limited lives/time, or where extra lives were awarded at thresholds that were far greater than what could be "leeched" on any given life in a leeching area, that also was allowed ("Rolling Thunder" comes immediately to mind)

Unlimited pig-out-fests ("Zookeeper" coconut stage, "Joust" old-chip ptery-hunting, etc) were ruled out.

The difficulty mid-tourney when such a tactic is discovered is a tough call to make. Either let it go or pull the title lest subjectivity comes into play (i.e. how much is leeching versus defensive tactics)

Personally I wish the game had no leeching spots...I was perfectly content to plod may way into level 6 where I met my brick wall, but once the point potential was realized it was hard to pass it up. My 605K score was just 100K under the MARP WR which is not a good sign either. When I looked at the MARP scoreboard and saw a user comment about leeching that told me such a spot existed. It did not take long to find such a spot.

While I might personally have not liked the leeching aspect to the game, from a competition perspective I did what I had to in order to improve my ranking. plain and simple. But I have no intention of submitting such a performance to the MARP scoreboard for publishing.

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