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Rob Ross

Posts: 196
RE: ACAM 14th Annual Classics Championship
on 6/4/2012 10:06:36 AM
Can someone finally confirm what the prizes were this year. No one seemed to know what 2nd and 3rd place were receiving. I was told it was listed in the press release....wrong....just read that press release and it never mentions any prizes, just how much the entry fee was.

I'm hoping the money made off us players is going toward fixing or getting new games for ACAM. That would be a feel good story, a story which should be given to us so we realize we are helping our community with our presence at the tourney each year. and God knows Gary could use some money to get new games.


Posts: 132
RE: ACAM 14th Annual Classics Championship
on 6/4/2012 1:25:21 PM
Rob Ross Wrote:
I'm hoping the money made off us players is going toward fixing or getting new games for ACAM. That would be a feel good story, a story which should be given to us so we realize we are helping our community with our presence at the tourney each year.

Rob, no money is "made off us players." The ACAM event has been run at a loss since the first tournament 14 years ago. ACAM does this as a courtesy to the community. Between shirts, prizes, the $50 in tokens, the cost of obtaining all of the new games and repairs/labor for tournament prep, ACAM would have to charge over $200 per person to break even.

Rob Ross Wrote:
God knows Gary could use some money to get new games.
There were plenty of new titles this year. How many were you expecting?

I drank WHAT!?! - Socrates
Rob Ross

Posts: 196
RE: ACAM 14th Annual Classics Championship
on 6/4/2012 3:56:12 PM
It sucks that ACAM can't benefit financially from the event. Ideas should be thrown around on how that could be achieved. Did any of the winning players give back some prize money as a donation, like poker players usually do? That would be a nice gesture.


Posts: 67
RE: ACAM 14th Annual Classics Championship
on 6/4/2012 6:24:31 PM
Accepting money is what makes someone a professional player. Where is the ACAM amature bracket?

Rob Ross

Posts: 196
RE: ACAM 14th Annual Classics Championship
on 6/4/2012 7:02:04 PM
It doesn't make sense though. Bob Lawton doesn't do anything to lose money. The man's a genius and turns a profit on everything. If he didn't he'd be out of business.

The gift bags are from the sponsors and cost Funspot next to nothing.

The maintenance guys are always there and are salary employees. So whether they are fixing skee ball or Life Force is of no matter.

The volunteers taking scores I'm guessing are just volunteering or are employees working an extra shift. I don't know about this part for sure.

So you have 140 players show up paying $60 bucks and we get tokens just as any customer walking through the door pays money for play tokens. So that equals $8400 pulled in.
The tourney pays around $2400 out as there is $6000 in profit. That's a winning situation for Funspot and a success story that should be told.

And this doesn't include all us gamers buying food and drink in the building.


Posts: 67
RE: ACAM 14th Annual Classics Championship
on 6/4/2012 7:20:21 PM
Need amature tournaments before ACAM


Posts: 67
RE: ACAM 14th Annual Classics Championship
on 6/4/2012 7:32:06 PM
Gary, Dave and I used the profits on scratch tickets and wine coolers.

Rob Ross

Posts: 196
RE: ACAM 14th Annual Classics Championship
on 6/4/2012 8:28:17 PM
You almost had to use it for stomach pumping after the attack of the free pizza. Of course if you had free health care....but that's crazy talk.

And yes an amateur division for ACAM 15 was a popular suggestion batted around by many players.

I know next year I will only enter the tourney if I like the games and will have fun playing them. Everyone has their own views on the games and for me this year they just weren't my cup of tea. And making sure Cram doesnt hold WR's on some of them would be a smart bit of research too. Maybe if I had the list of games ahead of time and could practice....right Mike.


Posts: 67
RE: ACAM 14th Annual Classics Championship
on 6/4/2012 8:39:17 PM
I have Proactive on order from the pizza and am currently taken meds to reduce the cholesterol that has formed on my arterial walls from it. Free definitely doesn't mean good or even legal.

@SteveW. It was nice to meet someone from Jersey that didn't think they were a Situation, cried for HGH or had a Fake n Fake. Besides your constant farting I really enjoyed meeting you.

@Rob. No mystery top players had prior knowledge to games well in advance. Confirmed


Posts: 157
RE: ACAM 14th Annual Classics Championship
on 6/4/2012 8:48:40 PM
Rob Ross Wrote:
And the Golden Sandbag Award goes to....Robbie Lakeman for his double entry snafu which almost helped him win the event.

When I get time this week, before my memory fades, I will try to post my thoughts on the tourney along with suggestions for ACAM 15....including a handicapped division for poor Mike O'Neill.

I am super glad to see San Diego pulled it off.

Unfortunately my double entry strategy didn't work because I was dying to get 7th place. Now I owe my friend a six pack.


Posts: 132
RE: ACAM 14th Annual Classics Championship
on 6/4/2012 8:51:58 PM

I can tell you that ultimately, your math is incorrect. Remember that ACAM and Funspot, while being in the same building, are different entities. So whatever money Funspot makes is not as 'available' as you might think for ACAM. As an accredited museum, it has strict guidelines it must follow for both donations as well as expenditures.



I drank WHAT!?! - Socrates
Steve W

Posts: 157
RE: ACAM 14th Annual Classics Championship
on 6/4/2012 8:54:19 PM
moneill001 Wrote:

@SteveW. It was nice to meet someone from Jersey that didn't think they were a Situation, cried for HGH or had a Fake n Fake. Besides your constant farting I really enjoyed meeting you.

Sorry. Protein bars overload bro. Cool story bro. :)


Posts: 67
RE: ACAM 14th Annual Classics Championship
on 6/4/2012 9:11:19 PM
@Auric. Gotta have the Lakeman Bagman award next year.


Posts: 116
RE: ACAM 14th Annual Classics Championship
on 6/4/2012 11:06:04 PM
To Rob Ross:

Not sure what the final prizes were either, but based on my personal observation and alone, there are a LOT more costs associated than you think for running such an event.

-> ACAM has to bring new acquisition titles up to speed for the tourney and ensure that existing ACAM tourney titles are in proper working order. This does not come cheap at $10.00 an hour...I'm guessing it is much higher and quite a few hours to do so at that. It would not surprise me if such costs were well into the 4-digit range.

-> There are 2 or maybe 3 tournament "referees" that are employed working in various shifts at a cost for the duration of the event. That means 2-3 people at any given time for the 40 hour 80-120 hours pay. For sake of argument assume $800-1200 at $10 an hour. Of course is a visiting player wishes to pitch in for a day or two and save ACAM some money that would certainly help curtail expenses...never mind that player's time to participate. Any takers ?

-> During the event ACAM has as needed kept the place open for maybe an extra hour on one of the tourney days...Gary/Mike can confirm this, and if so, an extra hour does not come cheap to the bottom line.

-> There are no magical little elves that clean up after an event...that also comes courtesy of various staff members and time=money

-> The goodie bags contain a supply of tokens at minimum as well as items which do not necessarily come from sponsors. T-shirts and game cards, as well as Funspot/ACAM mementos be they cups, pens, whatever, are an expense.

I'm sure that these observations touch on just some of the expenses involved. The intangible value of the media coverage is where the extra costs can be justified, so it can be said, perhaps, that the event itself is "Investment Spending" to promote ACAM and the hobby in general...that's one way of putting it, possibly.

Oh mentioned the "food and drink" aspect of the visiting gamers. The various vending machines and the "Braggin Dragon" and "DJ Long Tavern" are all part of Funspot, not ACAM. I'm not sure how you would quantify how much good/beverage purchases were from gamers one keeps track of this.



Posts: 67
RE: ACAM 14th Annual Classics Championship
on 6/4/2012 11:09:18 PM
I wish my gift bag hada cod piece.That'd be hot.


Posts: 116
RE: ACAM 14th Annual Classics Championship
on 6/5/2012 5:45:22 AM
A "cod piece" must mean a McDonald's "Filet-O-Fish" gift certificate !!

One such gift certificate (general use, though) was auctioned off about a year or two ago and raised at least $50 for ACAM, amazingly enough.


Posts: 116
RE: ACAM 14th Annual Classics Championship
on 6/5/2012 6:01:36 AM
It has been suggested that idea can be ballyed-about as to raising funds for ACAM, including the winners giving back a portion of their prizes.

I feel that the winners worked hard enough and are entitled to the prizes in full.

The key to raising funds is simple...there is an ACAM kiosk that accepts cash donations at any time during the event. Plus the website accepts donations via PayPal. If everyone donated $140 via PayPal to supplement the entrance fee, the event would likely reach the break-even point.

So there you go !! One simple click of a button from all 100+ attendees and problem solved.

Surely everyone who attended is going to do this...yes ? Takes about, oh, less than 60 seconds, and depending on your connection sometimes not even that !!



Posts: 157
RE: ACAM 14th Annual Classics Championship
on 6/5/2012 7:30:19 PM
One suggestion I have for a game next year would be to play bumper cars while holding cups of beer and how long we can go without spilling.

Rob Ross

Posts: 196
RE: ACAM 14th Annual Classics Championship
on 6/5/2012 7:46:34 PM
I thought we had decided the 16th game would involve the players [from 1st place on down] having to take a hot girl from zero to satisfy in 10 minutes to collect the prize money. But I'm on board for Bumper Beer Spill.

On a side note - did you see the bumper cars Saturday afternoon? It was wall to wall toddler action. They would have eaten us alive down there!

Rob Ross

Posts: 196
RE: ACAM 14th Annual Classics Championship
on 6/5/2012 7:57:45 PM
And I know my math skills can be imperfect, but let me give one last shot at it.

127 players entered - a stat from this site
$60 entry fee

127 x $60 = $7620
That number should be damn close to accurate.

Manu Challenge - $500
Pinball #1 - $50
Pinball #2 - $50
Pinball #3 - $50
Pinball #4 - $50
Main Tourney 1st - $750
Main Tourney 2nd - $500? - this has never been confirmed [to me]
Main Tourney 3rd - $250? - this has never been confirmed [to me]

So total prize payouts is APPROX $2200

Therefore, $7620 - $2200 = $5420

IMHO, this event made a profit. Whether it is Funspot or ACAM or whomever. Hell, next time I'm down there I'll ask Bob Lawton himself.

Just why this can't be acknowledged as a positive for the host running the event is beyond me. This should be sung from the roof tops about how classic games can still draw players and money.

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