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Posts: 84
RE: Super Crap Tournament V! SCTV!
on 5/9/2013 7:59:41 PM
Something else?


Posts: 115
RE: Super Crap Tournament V! SCTV!
on 5/9/2013 9:40:19 PM
something else


Posts: 229
Mystery Title Announcement
on 5/9/2013 10:51:46 PM
A little early but what the hell.

You voted for "something else".

You get

Libble Rabble (liblrabl)

Lives: 3
Bonus Life: NONE <---- not default
Coin A: 1 coin/1 credit
Freeze: Off
Rack Test: Off
Demo Sound: On
Coin B: 1 coin/1 credit
Practice: Off <---- not default
Difficulty: A
Cabinet: Upright
Service Mode: Off


Posts: 37
RE: Super Crap Tournament V! SCTV!
on 5/10/2013 12:36:44 AM
This is awful. A 2-joystick game too.


Posts: 229
RE: Super Crap Tournament V! SCTV!
on 5/10/2013 11:04:58 AM
I didn't even think that 2 joysticks could be a problem. Let me know if this makes it unplayable for you keyboard kids.

Steve W

Posts: 157
RE: Super Crap Tournament V! SCTV!
on 5/10/2013 11:29:19 AM
I was certain that "something else" meant "Naked Mahjong title"


Posts: 39
RE: Super Crap Tournament V! SCTV!
on 5/11/2013 2:00:19 PM
Sorry y'all, chose not to play this year when I saw that one of the games was The Pit. It brought back violent memories of having to play it in a MARP tournament many years ago, and I didn't want to go through that ordeal again.. Fuck. That. Game.


Posts: 115
RE: Super Crap Tournament V! SCTV!
on 5/11/2013 4:12:34 PM
I'll be making one final push late tonight after Mother's Day festivities and all day tomorrow, but Ben's scores are pretty beefy and making a dent in his lead will not be easy.

Good luck to everyone down the final stretch. Have fun!


Posts: 229
RE: Super Crap Tournament V! SCTV!
on 5/11/2013 5:54:49 PM
Big push for me tonight too. May not be until 11 or 12 but I'm ready to get some!


Posts: 52
RE: Super Crap Tournament V! SCTV!
on 5/11/2013 11:40:58 PM
Sorry I've been so busy this year . I have'nt got to play :O(


Posts: 229
Crap Tournament V Results!!
on 5/13/2013 12:16:01 AM
1st Place: Ben Falls- 116 points
2nd Place: Ross Benziger- less than 116 points
3rd Place: Bill Holmes- less than Ross

A great time was had by all. Thanks to everyone who participated and watched the streams throughout the week. I had a blast as always. As always a big thank you to Ken for setting up the tournament page and verifying tens of scores.Stay tuned later this summer for a Crap Tourney Spin-Off with an actual prize that everyone would want to win!

Hopefully the participants will chime in with any thoughts on the games this year, and hopefully those who couldn't join in will be able to again in the future.

Thanks again everyone!!!


Posts: 103
RE: Super Crap Tournament V! SCTV!
on 5/13/2013 7:24:38 AM
I didnt get Mikes scores posted yet.. I will do it in the AM.. Hold off on the results!

Wjhats a crap game tournament without a crappy ref???


Posts: 37
RE: Super Crap Tournament V! SCTV!
on 5/14/2013 2:25:23 PM
Thanks again Bill for running another great tournament and Ken for verifying scores. The game selection was better than I had expected. Had a great time and looking forward to CT6!


Posts: 229
RE: Super Crap Tournament V! SCTV!
on 5/14/2013 5:32:44 PM
Big thanks to Robert for selecting a handful of this year's titles. Can always count on him to find a few gems!


Posts: 39
RE: Super Crap Tournament V! SCTV!
on 5/14/2013 6:14:39 PM
Scoundrl Wrote:
I didnt get Mikes scores posted yet.. I will do it in the AM.. Hold off on the results!

Wjhats a crap game tournament without a crappy ref???

Touche Ken! Hehe, you're funny. I look forward to when you post the results then. Your streams are fun to watch, as always.

I must admit, I thought this tourney was somehow going to be retarded. Thank goodness the selection was worthwhile to watch, if not to altogether to play, and that a number of the competitors provided fun commentaries to their play. Some of these, such as Hard Head 2, looked like they could've made it to the video arcades. So out of curiosity, was that the case with any of these games, and if so, did they happen to be obscure? I'm pretty sure if I asked the average person, they wouldn't be familiar with any of these titles. Unfortunately, I didn't catch the streams of all the games either.


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